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RSS Joeehambe

Reward Points:18
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Everyone likes to long as it is nothin homosexual, but the thing with winning is you dont learn anything from it but with losing you learn many things. like the saying goes "withdefeat you learn many things" or sumthing like that . Im in football and i love when my team wins but all we get is a win and any prizes that come with that win but thats if we lose which i dont like happening, not only me but the whole team would learn something from that lose like their mistakes.

1 point

i'd have to give a 200%...yes 200% no for one it i possible but highly dangerous and wuts the point of texting if u can just wait till you get to your destination and then spend the time texting where you are less likely to risk your life .

1 point

hmm my favorite super hero is "the flash" hes fast, nice, serious when need to be, sometimes lazy, and does somethings with out thinking it through. in the end, he has the same personalities as me except his incredible speed that i wish to have

0 points

i agree with ANj2kill completely.. theres really not anything more to add on about the subject ronnie is dfinately bigger and especially now because he is still a bodybuilder but arnold is govenor or whatever in california which takes time away from his weight lifting which also gives another advantage to ronnie so my choice is ronnie all the way

2 points

at first when transformers came out and i saw megan fox i was like "shes alright but nothing to get excited BUT THEN that jenniffer's body movie started showing commercials and i was like "dang who is this chick" and they said Megan Fox and i was like "wow she looks completely different from before!!" so now currently i wud say megan all the way

2 points

yes i agree with the person named thepryg. Yes we have the right of free speech and we can protest but burning the flag is unacceptable and by doing that just shows how much respect us American citizens have for our beloved country

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