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RSS Josriv1

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

i agree with Andrew because . He did not believe in applying his theory to manual intervention in human societies, like eugenics, and believed that man's good nature and altruism towards the weak is what made him greater than animals.

1 point

Charles Darwin himself was opposed to slavery, and did not believe in the concept of inferior races, but merely was observing the mechanism in nature that connects all life together and how species evolve. He did not believe in applying his theory to manual intervention in human societies, like eugenics, and believed that man's goood nature and altruism towards the weak is what made him greater than animals.

1 point

i agree with mehwish because the latest evidence suggest that that Darwin's anti-slavery beliefs helped to shape his theory of evolution. Darwin's aunt, Sarah Wedgwood, gave more to the anti-slavery movement than any other woman in Britain. Darwin's mother and wife were Wedgwoods and anti-slavery was what Darwin called a “sacred cause”. He was taught to see the oppressed black as a “brother”. This explains why, when he went to Edinburgh University at 16, he could apprentice himself to a freed Guyanese slave to learn the art of bird preservation without thinking it infra dig. That former slave became an “intimate” friend.

1 point

What was happening in Europe and the United States during this time period was slavery. This did influence him because he didn't believe in slavery and neither did his family. His first encounter with FitzRoy’s ‘civilized natives’ told him that these differences could quickly be overcomed. Encounters with native people across South America, Polynesia and Australia confirmed to Darwin that humans were one species. Some of the people the influenced Darwin were, James Hurton, Charles Lyell, and Jean Baptist Lemarck.

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