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RSS Kamisama99

Reward Points:2
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

Hm...That is definitely true, but I think more people could at least apologize about it, haha. I see way too many arguments on sites that drag on for so long...The person could always stop and correct themselves, correct? I mean, yeah, we're only human. Humans DO make mistakes, but I don't see any visible efforts to change their behaviors. It could be that they just don't see the wrong in what they are doing, or they are somehow entertained by negative reactions....there is always a possibility they are too tenacious or embarrassed to say the other person was in the right while they were in the wrong. I'm going off topic here though, sorry XD You brought up a valid point, though. Some people really can't seem to help themselves.

4 points

Facts and reasoning. There's no point getting defensive, telling lies, or becoming angry. Those three seem like the most illogical things to do.

1 point

The both of you, how about you stop? I found it nauseating that you're having this argument HERE. Please, take it elsewhere. I understand this is none of my business, but it's hard to avoid when you're having immature goes at each other back and forth for more then 12 replies. No one wishes to see this. Both parties are guilty over whatever the argument is about. Let's drop it.

2 points

Honestly, even though I do like it, children can access it FAR too easily. I am strictly against banning the show, but it should only be available to youtube users who are 18+....which actually makes me a hypocrite however, since I AM 14, haha...I first found out about the show at age 12 from a recommendation from a friend of mine named Terra. I saw the "Eyes Cold Lemonade" episode and it literally left me shaking afterwards. I never planned to get back in the fandom ( not that I had jumped in to the fandom after that terrifying scare ) , but I was lured in by the human designs that mostly japanese fans had posted all over Zerochan. About a week of obsessing over the human designs and completely avoiding the actual show, I did hesitantly click on an episode out of curiosity. I found that it wasn't as bad as I had found before. I don't find the show by any means "funny", though I do find it entertaining now. I am still a bit guilty, only about two weeks has passed since entering the fandom. I can't really sugarcoat liking a show about killing innocent animals, but so far my mental health hasn't been influenced so I assume that I'm fine, haha! XD But yeah, you guys keep on liking what you like and disliking what you don't, I just hope we can be respectful and mature about it.

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Biographical Information
Name: Octavia 
Gender: Female
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Religion: Other

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