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RSS Kukac67

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

If you propose this idea to support the "healthification" of the menu, you are in the right, but you have to consider the fact that "junk food" is also available in vending machines and such, existing because of the assertion of food and snack companies. A student may still choose to eat unhealthy snacks from this source. A healthier menu in the current one's stead is not pricier, so the only reason schools may choose not to serve the healthier is either (1) they do not know of this option, or (2) they get other benefits from serving unhealthier foods (the likelier).

kukac67(4) Clarified
1 point

Wow, not necessarily true, but this really IS unhealthy. Obesity comes from lack of exercise as well as the rest of the diet of the person.

2 points

1. Students can choose to consume "junk food" after the school day has ended.

2. Being a student myself, I see that except for the precocious ones, students do not have much self-control to choose healthier.

3. a. The only reason for the availability of such snacks on campus is the lobbying of food and snack companies.

3. b. For schools, serving a healthy and beneficial meal would cost the same as what most schools already server, so they have no excuse.

4. Make America healthier!

2 points

I do not understand why the existence of heaven of hell is always tied to the existence of God. I myself believe in God, but do not believe in heaven or hell. It seems the world's people have been brainwashed by the Church to believe in the existence of these "places". If you want to argue the existence of these places by pointing to Jesus's words in the Christian Bible, I understand, to put it that way, as you are using what you have, but there is no proof that the Bible is a good record of the happenings. On the other hand, it HAS been proven that Jesus "preformed" feats that were not understood by the average person of that time, recorded even by a visiting Greek who described the events as magical. In the Bible, Jesus may have spoken of heaven and hell, yet who's to say that the books of the New Testament were not tampered with since their creation almost 2 millennia ago. I rest my case that if God is a good God, he/she/it would not create (or allow the creation of) a place such as hell, therefore it's existence doesn't seem to make sense. As for heaven: everything comes from God, he/she/it has no need to create a separate place for the spirits of people who have "proven themselves good" as everything is already inherently not negative, spirits can go wherever they want. (The only reason for the existence of "bad" on earth is the characteristic of humans known as free will and the fact that we forget where we came from, God.)

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