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RSS Kw159

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

I think the statement "In God We Trust" is out of date and needs to be updated ASAP. It's just so black and white and old fashioned. Believe it or not, not all Americans are Christians. Yes, it's shocking I know. I think that our currency needs to eliminate that quote. It's not like us non religious people are out to get you Christians, the concept is just getting a little old. More and more people are questioning their religion. Why should something they don't even have faith in be on the money they spend and earn. I say it needs to be taken care of.

1 point

What the hell. God no. NO. nononono.NO. that's a horrible idea why would anyone consider that. It's like the fashion nono of almost all fashion nonos. And yes I actually care. I mean ahhhh. maybe if you're a hiker or special and are unable to tie your shoes for some reason, then, yes. But unless you're none of those two things, you're just an idiot with no dignity that's too lazy to tie their own damn shoes. That is all

1 point

Crocs are a disgrace to the fashion realm of man kind!! If it were up to me I'd go all anti croc dictator and eliminate all crocs for eternity! just kidding I don't have that much spare time on my hands. But seriously they're hideous. I think someone just woke up one day and was like, HEY! I'm going to make the world's ugliest shoes made out of the weirdest effing material. But not all of that is going to matter due to the comfort! and all of my dignity will be flushed down a giant toilet! YES! no. Crocs are wrong eff you croc maker now I have mouth vomit every time I see your god forsaken creation on the feet of everyone. That is all.

1 point

I personally know nothing about body building. But, I do know it makes you huge and muscular. That tends to be very unattractive on a female figure I'd say for certain, leave it to men. Not trying to be sexist, that's just my perspective. =]

1 point

I don't know wheather you're disscusing rape or sexual activity. Obviously you've never been laid or you had a very bad experience. And you also have some indipendence issues because you're convinced that minors can't live on their own until they're 18 but they do it all the time so I suggest you join the real world honey. =]

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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