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Reward Points:143
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

i only tried it once, and i got the rotten luck. the person had caller id, and that didn't end well....

it was still fun though :)

1 point

abortion is sad and all, but women should have a choice. what if the woman couldn't support a baby, would you really want to bring it into the world, only to have it be put into a terriable lifestyle, where it wouldn't be able to enjoy life?

1 point

vote for obama. i can't vote yet, but if i could i would vote for obama. i watched the second debate, i may not understand what exactly they are talking about, but if you watched the debate, you would realize that romney was never clear on what he was actually going to do. where obama was attacking, important concepts and giving clear answers. with the jobs, romney said he wanted to make them more "attractive" Obama said a more clear plan, selling more american made things, and stuff like that, i can't exactly remember the whole thing. but if you are still not sure, watch the second debate, and you will see what i am talking about.

1 point

trust me, she is like, honestly words CANNOT describe her. she is just that annoying.

1 point

ta da. this is my beauty. you jealous? i know my sister is, she's a 4-leaf, imma 3-leaf.

1 point

i absolutely LOVE debating in my english class. it gets so heated that we all hate each other at the end of class.

2 points

i prefer stairs, because then your not stuck with some weirdo in an elevator. or someone who may not smell to good, maybe forgot deoderant (it has happened to me, and i swear to god, i almost DIED!). your not at risk at getting stuck in an elevator. by going up the stairs, you will have your excersize for the day.

2 points

i watch cartoons everyday. in fact, it is the highlight of my day.

1 point

i don't like the annoying orange. it is definitly a waste of money to have a show for him.

1 point

if we don't listen, she benches us. so, i can't ignore her.

Displaying 10 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Pepsi
Winning Position: oh yes!
Winning Position: i love them!
Winning Position: nope
Winning Position: how would you react to this?
Tied Positions: the parodies vs. actual songs
Winning Position: would you rather......
Winning Position: yes
Winning Position: completly unfair
Winning Position: how close?

About Me

I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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