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RSS Lrichey01

Reward Points:3
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1 point

the u.s. has a way better military with the latest technology compared to china having obsolete military equipment and less military armory

0 points

china is spending so much money on their economic growth their debt is going to go way up an their economic growth will not be as good as it is right now

2 points

Overall the United States will be the leading super power they already are in the next 10 years.

In being a super power of the world, the economy is one of the biggest parts to the puzzle. Even though China's growth rate is economically higher than the United States at 7.7% a year compared to the United States, 1.6%, China is spending 260% of their GDP of 11.2 trillion which means China's debt will go way up. In 2018 60% of China's population will be considered old which will leave China with less jobs which will lead to less export money which is the highest in the world at 2 trillion but could be passed up by the United States at 1.5 trillion in exports and less tax revenue the old people aren't paying. The United States debt will go up, but not at the same pace as China, and the United States is not having a major economic problem like China so their rates will stay the same. The United States will also have a better GDP than china which is already about 7.3 trillion more at 18.6 trillion dollars.

The military is an essential part of being a super power and the United States exceeds that expectation. In spite of China having 2 times the man power the United States has, the United States has 2-3 times the amount China has on armored vehicles, Air Force, and Navy - which is likely to stay the same over the next decade. The United States also has better technology than China where China is still building frigates, an obsolete attack ship.

The last part of being a super power is the political power and the United States has more political power then China. The United States is part of all of the huge Allied groups like NATO and the UN Security Council compared to China only being part of one huge Alliance, the UN Security Council. The United States also produces the top watched movies and TV shows in the world which has lots of influence on other countries. Although China has the most exports in the world, the United States is not far behind.

The United States is ahead of China in multiple ways in even the future so the United States will remain the superpower of the world in 10 years from now.

1 point

countries would still want to develop nuclear weapons if the U.S. didn't drop nuclear bombs because every countries wants lots of power and nuclear weapons have tons of power. Also ,during the cold war, the U.S. still tested over 1000 so it would have their would be a different kind of warfare anyways.

1 point

japan would fight to their last military man and would not surrender no matter what so the U.S. had to do something that was so bad they would surender

0 points

The United States did the right thing by dropping bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because it saved tons of American lives because the war didn't keep going(japan was heard to fight to the last person), saved lots of military money, and showing the soviet union how powerful they are. Even though lots of Japanese lives were lost in the bombing, the U.S. was more worried about their own people and if the didn't drop the bomb and the Japanese wouldn't surrender and more American lives would be lost and Japanese. Also the U.S. was not confident that there military weapons would finish the job and japan was not ready to surrender doing plenty of suicide kamikaze attacks that the U.S. was worried about. All the military weapons would also cost more money over time if the war didn't end on the nuclear bomb. Finally,being the first person to drop a nuclear bomb is very intimidating so it made the U.S. look good compared to the soviets.

1 point

north Korea does have the technology not to blow up in the atmosphere because they have done multiple missile tests and the missiles haven't blown up until the missiles hit the water.

1 point

just because the US has a way better army than north Korea, north Korea has nuclear capabilities that can still kill millions of cavilians which is a threat

3 points

the USA should be worried about North Korea and Kim jong un because North korea has nuclear capabilities and can fire one at any time and kill millions which would start a nuclear war and kill way more. kim jong un also just denied a diplomacy that would have put a little pressure on the nuclear war down. Even though the United states is way more powerful and would destroy DPRK, if they shot a nuclear missile at the U.S., kim jong un is still crazy enough that he just might do it. All of his the people love him so they won't mind getting killed.

1 point

they cant do all they want because of veto power and all the 5 security council members are not all best allies

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