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RSS Ragingbull

Reward Points:1
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1 point


My parents are always nagging my brothers to study but they always tell me to rest when I even try to study, scolding me for not being developed holistically. For example, when my brothers are studying in the living room, no one is allowed to do anything to distract them. Watch television, listen to music etc. But when I study in the living room, and my brothers want to watch television, I am told to go into my room to study since the house does not belong to me. Furthermore, they show no consideration at all when I am trying to study (My mom will ask my brother to practice his cello or my dad will watch TV at a triple-wall-penetrating volume) and its so frustrating. They scold me for having no life and for studying so much, just telling me to do my best yet they always show me their disappointment if I get anything lower than the top few in my class (which is already one of the top 3 classes in an elite school)

Oh! And I forgot to mention that when I decide to stay outside of my dysfunctional home to study, they scold me for neglecting my family to study despite using me as their trophy child and gloating to all their doctor and lawyer pals about my friends.

My parents are hypocritical too in doing things they tell us children not to do (Eg. Not allowing us to do anything during devotions but listen yet my father is always clearing emails blatantly with his iPad and my brother sleeps), but I feel they are most hypocritical in terms of different rules applying to different children. Shouldn't there be a yardstick for what is wrong or right? Perhaps though its more about favoritism than anything else.

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