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RSS Reinarealta

Reward Points:11
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Cousin infers 1st cousin relation. I would call my second cousin...second cousin. There is no "not blood related" cousins....unless you're adopted.

3 points

If I wear makeup, its not for a boy. That silly :)

If I take the time to put on make up (which is very little) its to make ME happy. Gobs of makeup is gross..i agree, but there is nothing wrong with trying to better yourself!

2 points

I think it all depends on what books your are reading...

Twilight-werewolves are way scarier

Cirque du Freak- The vampires are harmless, its the vampeneze you have to look out for!

Dracula-Werewolves were the only thing that could kill Dracula, he couldn't kill them.

0 points

technically, death is death. If vampires kill you we're going on the traditional vampires here which they most often die anyway...I dont see the point in the way you die.

2 points

Besides, in Irish Mythology the general belief is that death is really just a transition into your REAL life, that you have a better life to live after you die! Thats why Irish Funerals are so happy!

2 points

Death is imminent, why fear what you cannot escape. The sooner you stop worrying about it, you can move on with your life. re-reading that sounds funny, but my point is valid

3 points

He can refuse it all he wants, if I dont want a baby, i'm not having a baby. If he wants a baby THAT badly, he can go adopt. But there is no way he is putting my body through 9 months of transformation, then 14 hours of pain, to bring a life into the world.

2 points

If I was raped, lets say father, and i got pregnant at the age of 14, it would not be mentally healthy for me to go through with my pregnancy! It would wreak havoc on my own psyche and screw my child over from the abnormal hormone fluctuations [stress is bad for the baby in utero]. If the pregnancy would be damaging in any way to the mother, because it really is her choice, I believe abortion is appropriate. I AM NOT SAYING IT SHOULD BE USED AS BIRTH CONTROL. If you have more than one abortion because of your own stupid mistakes, then yes, you most definitely carry the baby to term and put it up for adoption. But if the pregnancy is going to be damaging, get the abortion as soon as possible.

3 points

Harry Potter is easier to read without having to have seen the movie first. In Lord of the Rings, you have to see the movie first, because that way you know something exciting has to happen in the book. I'm not slamming Lord of the Rings, I'm simply stating it's a bit of a slow read!

1 point

walking builds character! Walking allows you to escape reality and go into auto pilot, and to really think!

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