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RSS Schneidy33

Reward Points:12
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

Period 3:

Kids get injured

Kids also get injured mentally, physically and morally

Kids need education

Kids are growing up unable to be their own person

Kids get low pay (60 cents)

Children would die in the mines and factories

1 point

Period 3:

Helping family out with bills and food

Kids made the owners rich

*Some kids like to work

1 point

Period 2:

Machines were dangerous

Children handled poisonous materials

Kids should be in school getting an education

Kids were dying

Children would work for long hours

Kids were illiterate all the way through adulthood

1 point

Period 2:

Helped factories gain more workers

Government thought it will help economy

Children have small hands in order

Factories were able to make more money

*Kids helped their family with the income and helped to feed family

1 point

Period 1:

Children would be severely injured both physically and mentally

Children were treated badly

Children should be in school getting an education

Children would be uneducated and not get quality jobs later in life

Jobs were dangerous

There would be a man that would take pictures of the children being mistreated in different work places

1 point

Period 1:

The adults wanted to become rich

Families needed the extra help because they were poor

Factories needed more workers

People believed this would help the economy

The children were able to work faster and small enough to fit in small spaces

Factories saved a lot of money, since children would work for less

*Factory owners believed they were helping employ workers

schneidy33(12) Clarified
3 points

This is a prompt for my students to debate how people during this time would think! I appreciate the answers from everyone

Tied Positions: Oppose! vs. Support!

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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