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RSS Scottandjess

Reward Points:13
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9 most recent arguments.

A lot of teenagers will drink or get high because they are bored! Boredom was always a big reason when i was in high school why teens did drugs!

I do not think that a 16 year old should be allowed to be in a porno. Young minds dont think!! When i was 16 i did shit i regret. Could you imagine doing this when you were 16 and then once you got older became a mom and looked back on it how embarrased you would be!!

2 points

The reason that i believe it should STAY ILLEGAL to have child pornography is because even though that person may not have done n e thing directly to that child it is the people who look at the child pornography who are indirectly supporting nasty inhumane so called people who would subject a child to getting naked to have pictures taken. A lot of times the children will be beated, raped and so on and even if they are to even have a child strip naked for pictures is inhumane and sickening!!

2 points



* I disagree with this big time! Not all women want the same thing. I always said i didnt want to get married because i seen how many people got divorced! I have slept with people in the past and would not have even though about marrying them. Now, I am 25 years old and had a child.. I am just now thinking about married after 5 years of us being together! So i disagree that women use sex for only one thing!!

(I seriously believe that she twists reality around to make herself the victim. Meaning, I suggest you stay away.)

I totally agree with this!! I have seen girls who get almost obsessed with guys to the point its kinds scary! They say/do things to get attention and if the guy tries to leave then they twist things on him. Nothing but trouble!!

2 points

Im new to this! :) But i have been playing around and yes i have used the down vote button! I thought thats what it was for? If someone says something off the wall that is not correct and has no proof.. Or if someone is entirely rude to someone elses response for like no reason?? I did see others put that they would like the person who down votes them to explain! I do believe this would be nice as i too would like to know why someone down votes me.. So, i feel from now on if i have the need to down vote someone else to atleast give an explanation??

I agree its none of my business if others of the same sex want to be together. I do not have a problem with it, I feel if two people of the same sex love each other and want to get married then no one should be able to stop that. I seen comments about the issue being they cant reproduce? I know couples who are not gay who dont want kids, or who can have kids, and WHO SHOULD NOT HAVE KIDS!!

2 points

I believe marijuana should be legal for many reasons. First of all it is proven that it helps with different things medically such as when going through chemo it gives you appetite, it helps with pain control etc. Also i feel personally that alcohol is more dangerous then marijuana. I have seen many people killed from drunk drivers and it is a shame that so many people drive drunk. But, i have never heard of anyone dying from smoking too much weed, killing someone from an accident because they smoked weed, or anything like that.. Marijuana is a natural herb and it is legal in many other places and could possible make some money for the country if legalized!

I do not believe drugs should be legal because i believe that people do stupid stuff while on drugs which could lead to hurting, affecting other people. I also believe that if all drugs became legal there would be more people overdosing and it would be telling society that drugs are okay. Atleast if they remain illegal what will be taught is that they are not good. I do however agree Marijuana is not as harmful as alcohol and i do feel that Marijuana should be legalized. But, i have seen to many people do meth and ruin their lives along with their families lives!!

Displaying 2 most recent debates.

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"I rock! :P"

Biographical Information
Name: Jessica Reeder
Gender: Female
Age: 38
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Postal Code: 49286
Education: In College

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