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RSS Shadowwolf

Reward Points:5
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

they may not care if they die but if we have a nuclear war all countries will be destroy and there would be no winner to win this war we have to use guerrilla warfare only answers to this N.K. V.S U.S./S.K.

1 point

have you every seen deadliest warrior because right now the rangers are in south Korea and this is going to be the battle of the century and the us navy seals go to Israel to get more training in so we will have a good chance that it will be close.

1 point

if North Korea keeps entering south Korea then it will be WW3 or 2nd korean war

but it will be a close fight between army rangers And north korean army

2 points

yes they would because we would sleep longer and stay awake longer

1 point

all Hitler wanted to do was remake Germany and do what he believed in i am not saying what he did was a good thing. He wanted to get Germany back together again because after WW1 Germany sunk and he wanted to bring back Germany's former glory. If that country hadn't went to Germany for help than WW1 and WW2 would have never happen

2 points

war is good for a lot of things it determines what country is stronger and it helps with testing weapons in an actual problem like with WW2 in the Pacific war the U.S. wanted to end the war badly be the Japanese didn't want to surrender so U.S. tested the atom bomb in two parts of Japan war helps from the time we use sticks and stones to finish a war to nuclear weapons. war helps weapons to progress

-2 points
1 point

so it is not the seller fault that he sold some 1 a gun he was doing his job if he knew the gun was going to kill some 1 then he would have not sold the gun in the 1st place but it all comes back to the criminal in all if he doesn't have a gun license than he goes to jail but at the same time it is the sellers fault for not asking to see is license to have a gun. If the criminal didn't have a gun he would have found other ways to kill his target but a gun will some times get the job done but if it's the criminal's 1st time shooting a gun he would be a bad shoot but there are other ways to KILL.

2 points

If guns are banned than why is the military carrying guns? If we had no guns than there would be more crimes for ex smuggling in guns, murder, rape,muggings and so on. Guns don't kill people only people kill people and what about terrorism. If terrorists heard we banned guns that would make the U.S. more easy to attack. What about the 2nd amendment where people have the right to bare arms? That's breaking the law and besides the supreme-court would not let the law pass.

Winning Position: yes, they shuold

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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