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RSS Simashi

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

China is right. India had claimed Aksai Chin using the Johnson Line, without China's consent in the matter as they were preoccupied in the Dungan Revolt and had not officially guarded and named Xinjiang yet, and that the Xinjiang-Tibet region that Aksai Chin falls under was already premarked as China's since the Sikh invasion where China drove the Sikhs out of that area. After when the British overtook the Sikh land, China and Britain agreed to recognise the border

0 points

I agree. Social media has been based off from the younger generation, who tend to be introverted, cold and shy, most possibly due to heavier peer pressure and reliance on the new type of social media. Many popular social media sites, like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, allows users to freely express themselves on cyberspace, since they may too shy or detached to do so. Most teens and children tend to view themselves as having their own self-esteem and dignity, and before social media came about there were more physical interaction and bonding as there was a lack of more anonymous and distinct platforms to express themselves indirectly to the social media world as a whole. Examples of this is the popular "Teen Posts", where teenagers admit their common feelings, opinions and other adjustments they feel as a whole about life, that are sometimes embarrassing or hurting their self-esteem to say in public but are instead harbored inside themselves. Because of the fact that communication, feelings and expressions can be spread out just by one touch on a mousepad or keyboard, it may be so that all the confessions of one generation end up spilling out, caused mostly by self-felt mutual ranking and ultimately, peer pressure. But when everything can be put on cyberspace it makes physical communication seem inconvenient, especially when any expression or communication can be made online, seen online, and reputed online, if by definition sociality and socializing is meant as physical interaction then this is why I feel social media has made physical sociality less convenient and necessary.

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