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1 point

thats encoraging children to bring there uniform everyday its less stressing than wearing different clothes everday stressed to find the right thing to waer make the teachers look smart and presentable . we dont want teacher wearing bikinis and glamours things that would force the child to do it everday comeon uknow best

1 point

The Government don't think a kid is able to make the choice to don't really make sense to me, because work is a choice of preference, not a choice that requires any intelligence. Like a choice between apples and oranges it’s like a choosing between education and work and you’re telling me you prefer work. Furthermore, parents end up having an economic incentive to sell their children as labour for money, rather than requirement. For example, Brazil in 1990s, when coffee prices went up, child labour rates went up as well, and school attendance went down, because parents used this opportunity to profit. Child labour prevents children from attending school over a sustained period of time, because they spend most of their time and energy recuperating and working, leaving nothing much for schooling. Child labour prevents children from attending school over a sustained period of time, because they spend most of their time and energy recuperating and working, leaving nothing much for schooling. Furthermore, they often have to work substantial hours to be economically productive for the employer. For example, Sierra Leone and Niger, 78% child labour %, about 30% school attendance. Children have rights, more than adults, because they are less capable than adults. These rights are important and need to be upheld because parents do not always make the best decisions for their children and these rights protect the child from abuse and harm in these cases. Child labour clearly violates these rights and hurts the child. This work causes permanent harm to the child’s development and growth: the workplace is often very dangerous, in particular the jobs that children are needed to fill. For example, diving down to the coral reefs to attach nets, because only children are small enough to get down deep. The pressure permanently harms their body, and many children end up attacked by carnivorous and poisonous fishes. Similarly, an ILO report in 2002 found that 179 million children are currently trapped in child labour that endangers the child’s physical, mental or moral well-being. This results in a less educated workforce in the future, without the basic literacy/numeracy skills to take on more advanced jobs. Without these skills, citizens will lack t since child labour sacrifices the future development of our human capital and economic development, a ban on child labour is necessary. he ability to take on better jobs, and thus be locked into the same low-paying industry as before.

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