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RSS Student123

Reward Points:4
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5 most recent arguments.
2 points

Your first point - yes I agree that most other intelligent life forms show signs of such traits and are not unique to humans. However, I was more referring to our superior intelligence, hence our efforts to produce laws, employ policemen, doctors and carers. Surely allowing something like eugenics would undermine and offend the intelligence and courteousness of our species?

As for your second point - are you suggesting that because something is acceptable in our current society, we should do nothing to question or do to solve the problem?

1 point

I honestly cannot agree or disagree with the proposition - why can't we supplement meditation along with physical activities? Do we only have room for one of the two in the classrooms?

0 points

Eugenics in an extreme sense, is unethical because it is a form of discrimination with a harsh consequence of certain people being forced out of living freely, having a family with children, and looked down upon by society.

For those people who endorse eugenics because it 'promotes' the human race, I think you are wrong for the following reason. One of the things that separates us from other species on this planet, is our caring and sympathetic nature, and the way we treat every being equally regardless of their genetic traits. If we make ourselves into a discriminatory system whereby we select and eliminate certain kinds of people, we are heading for a disturbing path.

1 point

The example you've given is not a placebo effect, it's a patient not understanding and diagnosing their own disease when they need to.

The placebo effect cannot be used to describe a situation where someone is being ignorant of their own condition with faith and mind games, as there are no physician(s) providing that deception.

Of course, a competent doctor would never provide a placebo for something like an organ failure. I believe placebos are only used in minor ailments, otherwise it would be providing alternative, often unproven medicine. If placebos are indeed used in such cases, it would only be to relieve pain and suffering, not as a treatment to get rid of the source of problem.

1 point

The internet is not just a place for communication, it is also very useful for obtaining all sorts of information and data which people can access. You must put the internet out there, available for mass communication. Yes, many people become addicted to it, but that is not the fault of the internet, that is something that addicted people need to sort out themselves. The real issue is not with the existence of the internet, but rather how we can deal with addiction without compromising all the benefits of the internet.

And yes, using the internet is not required for survival, but it adds a huge luxury to our lives, things that you take for granted in everyday life.

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