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Agree disagree
Debate Score:54
Total Votes:62
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 Agree (24)
 disagree (25)

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feelingtruth(2774) pic

Meditation should replace P.E.

It literally changes your body and brain.

And it should be practiced by everyone becuase this is not a belief system, its an experience.  


Side Score: 28


Side Score: 26
1 point

I honestly cannot agree or disagree with the proposition - why can't we supplement meditation along with physical activities? Do we only have room for one of the two in the classrooms?

Side: Agree
1 point

Well I don't necessarily think meditation should replace P.E, but i definitely think it would be a great idea for schools to offer meditation to those who want to do it.

Side: Agree
1 point

Meditation and Jiu Jitsu. You still need to do some exercise, and with self defense, you're learning how not to be a corpse left in an alley.

Side: Agree

Say, I like this alternative. Children should meditate instead of Phys Ed classes.

Side: Agree
0 points

meditation helps relax the mind and involve no competition, PE can bring stress and competition

Side: Agree
sonotbiast(24) Disputed
1 point

Yes, P.E CAN be stressful and competitive but it actually helps the mind. Exercise releases a hormone called "endorphins" which is a feel good chemical that can also help deal with depression.

Side: disagree
2 points

meditation also releases endorphins and releases dimethyltryptamine too, and seratonin, and i can say through personal experience meditation makes you feel WAY better than exercising

Side: Agree
1 point

Meditation can benefit the body, I agree. However, it should not replace P.E. Here are the reasons why:

1. It will be hard to get children and teenagers to meditate properly. Yes some will, but i can guarantee that many will either laugh, talk or protest against it as it is an activity which involves remaining calm and silent.

2. P.E helps maintain fitness, and fitness is part of sustaining a healthy body. Obesity and many other conditions are apparent and if meditation gets preference then those conditions will become even MORE apparent. And sick people costs money. Who pays for them to go to hospital? The tax payer. Yes, i am aware that some people will still exercise if your proposition was enforced BUT P.E encourages exercise, without it less children will be being taught about exercising which (as stated previously) is likely to add to the obesity rate (and other conditions too, such as diabetes.)

Side: disagree
1 point

But through meditation you can increase your metabolism, and you learn to eat less, it helps you focus, which would help kids in school, i do realize it would be hard to get children to sit and meditate, but when they have an experience they will WANT to meditate, and through meditation you dont get sick as often, and with meditation we realize the finer things in life dont require money so this could change our entire society as a whole, all of humanity, hell if we all meditated, we would be a very healthy race.

And plus children should be outdoors playing, not sitting in front of the TV and computer, meditation will let them realize the joys of nature

Side: Agree
sonotbiast(24) Disputed
1 point

How does mediation make you realize the finer things in life? I mean yes it is good for the mind and body but realizing the finer things in life?

How is it going to make children realize the joys of nature? I mean you can meditate anywhere, which could even be in a dark room...and one is not realizing the joys of nature when in a dark room meditating.

P.E provides many different activities which to a lot of children is very stimulating. Where as meditation is quite restricting, there's only one thing to do and that's meditate. Unlike with P.E. With P.E, there's running, soccer, basketball etc.

Side: disagree
GuitaristDog(2538) Clarified
1 point

I've been meditating since 8th grade, but yeah I do see your point, most of these little ADHD kids couldn't do it.

Side: Agree
1 point

i think they would be able to do it, hell i know throughout all my school years i wish we had nap time still LOL, kids wanna sit around and do nothing, besides talking, but if we give them meditation, theyll be happy to sit around and rest and do nothing, especially in high school too, it could change the world :O

Side: Agree
1 point

Saying that meditation should replace physical education is like suggesting that one replace vegetables with fruit for lunch. Why not have both?

Side: disagree
1 point

Meditation should not replce PE.

Whats more worse?: A healthy mind or obesity?


Its only thanks to PE,that teenagers remain fit and healthy.Sure,meditation is healthy for the mind - but if you had to choose,i'm sure you'd choose a healthy body over a healthy mind.

Theres no competition.PE wins!

Side: disagree

No, PE does not help obesity, theres tons of obesity today and weve had PE for a long time its time to start changing it, we have after school sports that kids can do, PE is such a joke, seriously, no kid takes PE seriously, honetly if you believe they do, that makes me laugh, and also, i would easily choose a healthy mind over a healthy body, mind over matter and meditation lowers heart rate AND cholestrol, so really, its a win win situation, oh ya also, it would help cut back pregnancy and underage sex and unprotected sex if anything, kids would learn that life isnt about material objects and having sex 24/7 seriously...

Side: disagree
Snommus(4) Disputed
1 point

You are assuming kids who are forced to take a meditation class would actually take it seriously and do it properly versus thinking about sex under the guise of meditation.

Also, I fail to see how meditation would cut back on underage sex and unprotected sex. Where are you coming up with this? (Your own personal experience can't speak for everyone else).

Side: Agree
1 point

well ok... is that realy all kids think about these days is sex? jesus, thats sad

Trust me, when you meditate you learn to respect nature, its a given, no matter what, if you dont learn to respect nature, then youre doing it wrong, which is extremely hard to do

Side: disagree
1 point

Stop it! Goddammit i've seen about a dozen of these "meditation should replace" things. No, no they shouldn't. Physical education has been placed in the educational system for a reason. I'm sure if meditation was better than P.E. than someone would have done something about it. Any way, why?! P.E. is good for you, not only is it good for the physical health, you also learn how to do loads of sports, which is good in the social world. Someone asks you if you'd like to play rugby at the weekend, i don't think " Well, how about we meditate instead" is a better answer. Stop trying to replace things with religion! It doesn't work. I don't see how science, geography, or P.E. would be better off replaced by sitting in an uncomfortable position, saying "om."

Side: disagree
1 point

its not religion, its focusing on the now, so it can be applied to sports also, focusing on that basket, breathing correctly, when was the last time anyone took PE seriously? Oh thats right never.

Plus instead of sports we could go on nature hikes, and run trails up mountains and down mountains, much better, and keeps you in way better shape and it makes you feel ALIVE.

And i never said science or anything else should be replaced by meditation i said they should be enhanced by meditation... and ya PE can be fun, but seriosuly, noone takes it seriously, and if you DO take PE seriously youre obviously a jock, so if youre a jock, you could learn alot and apply meditation to your sports, focusing on getting that one basket, focusing on making the game change...

Side: Agree
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
1 point

Oh i do love assumptions like that! No sir i am not a jock. I prefer track running, i'm fast, but i'm not a sporty person! Not much else to say apart from that which i have already said! And i can safely say with great reassurance from everyone that knows me, i am not a jock. I don't like rugby, football, badminton (hockey is OK i suppose) but no. If you like meditation, then fine. i don't know if you're still in school, but i know lots of people would object!

Side: disagree

PE is more measurable - participation, team work, performance gain over time, etc.

It would be very difficult to grade a meditation class - would probably be fine as an after school activity, replacing study hall, homeroom or similar.

Side: disagree
1 point

but noone would do it if it was an after school activity, it should be a whole new class in itself, graded by what you got out of your daily session, and there would be no failing.

Side: Agree
1 point

I'm ok with it being elected instead of homeroom or study hall during school hours (or, even better, just take study hall and meditate instead and save us from paying a extra teacher to babysit) - no grade should be assigned without better criteria.

Side: disagree
1 point

Meditation can be useful, but it shouldn't replace P.E. because they serve different purposes.

A certain level of physical fitness is important for everybody, and good habits should be established early. There are obvious health, mobility, and self-esteem benefits, and results are easily measurable. PE classes also happen when kids are young and active.

Meditation can be useful, but it's the kind of activity that one must want to do in order for it to be effective. Someone required to meditate as part of a program would likely not take it seriously, especially a teenager. It could perhaps be an elective class instead of a PE replacement, but there is little point in having a class teach something that can be learned and practiced at home.

Side: disagree
1 point

meditation totally defeats the purpose of physical education. P.E isn't made to make someones mind to be less stressed (its why we have guidance consuelors) its to get over high population of obese people to lose weight and atheletes to hone their skills. Plus you can meditate at any given time during lunch, before and after school, and when you get home! This is by far one of the most astonishing questions I have witnessed :(

Side: disagree
1 point

no it doesnt defeat the purpose, meditation increases metabolism, lowers heart rate, and it lowers your cholestrol

Side: Agree
Sinknight(518) Disputed
1 point

and how are you graded on meditation? How are you assessed on meditation? How is the state suppose to explain the course. Do you think kids will do this OVER AND OVER? Do you think kids would choose meditating or playing a fun game of basketball or a sport they like? Do you think kids will meditate for a hour long period without talking to friends? How do you suspect kids to react to this? How is meditating going to reduce obesity since now that P.E (the main method of obesity reduction) is not a course. Its required for all counties to make a establishment to make their students have at least 15 minutes of activity of physical behavior. How is meditating going to fulfill this 15 minutes as establish in not only in Orange County (where I live) but in your location?

Answer ALL of these questions and you got my ballot. Prove me wrong :3

Plus site your sources because you got that information from Wikipedia. Exactly the last paragraph of "Scientific Studies." (Wikipedia isn't a creditable source F.Y.I.)

Side: disagree

I disagree. There is no accurate grading method for meditation. There is no way to know what's going on in the student's minds, which is the primary purpose of meditation.

With P.E. we can physically see what they're doing, how they're participating, and grade them accordingly. But the overwhelming majority of what meditation encompasses, is almost entirely inside the mind.

Students don't take P.E. as seriously as they should anyways. I have a feeling they'll take meditation even less seriously, because to an outside observer there is nothing involved but sitting down and closing your eyes. I imagine it might lead to students sleeping during "meditation".

Side: disagree
0 points

I have analysis all of Feelingtruth's responses and clearly all s/he thinks is that meditating is more effective than P.E and that it will show better results. Instant reasons why s/he is wrong is easy!

-Never uses creditable resources. (Wikipedia? Didn't take any actual time to go on FDA resource site...)

-Claims that meditation is something everyone can succeed in while the concept of school is to learn not just get a free period to sit.

-Meditation is already a part of fine arts. Its within the class of HOPE. So really its completely idiotic to replace P.E if meditating is a part of P.E (a really useless part too.)

-Finally, feelingtruth has no methodology of grading by just only grading posture and participation. Hello? Meditation is not even big enough to be a lesson for a week! Having 2 things to grade is also foolish! Overall, there is no value or essential use of meditating. Its a hobby not a academic class.

P.E is something every child needs. Those who are disable and/or handicap still have the choice of P.E. They have special needs training which helps those who are disable get fit! So in general, P.E will always win over meditation the question: Should Meditation be replace by Yoga! SCREW meditation; Yoga is WAY more efficient by mental means. BY influencing body limbs to extract stress out of your body is mind blowing. Meditation isn't always perfected and when is perfected probably becomes useless because you don't get a major in sitting down and saying "ooommm." You get a major in law studies so we can remove this meditation concept with yoga.

Side: disagree
1 point

Yoga IS meditation dude... so case in point, you dont know what youre talking about, when it comes to this kind of thing, its the one thing im highly knowledgeable in

Side: Agree
Sinknight(518) Disputed
1 point

B.S then why didn't you mention it through your whole contention why didn't mention it through the other responses you have? And now that I got your attention again :3 I am still not convince about your grading methodology. Plus why do you have to remove P.E? If you are against P.E that is totally irrelevant because P.E is a ordeal made by the school establishment. All you say is that your logic is irrelevant to school executives and you have no perfected way to assess the students. No one is going to take the class because it has nothing to do for their high school credits (I forgot all about credits!) why do I need a class that isn't even worth the job description for any job. Overall, I don't care about all this zen shit. If I meditate thinking about having a good day and the next minute I get a call saying my relatives passed away, meditation isn't gonna do shit.

Side: disagree