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RSS Tanischri

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

It is moronic to say that the people who are always trying to take power away from government secretly want more of it and the opposite which is certainly true for Dems. Seeing your child is not any more invasive then grinding them up and sucking them out with a tube. All this nonesense about Republicans being obsessed with vaginas is counterfactual.

2 points

1. Anti-religious freedom: Democrats, not Republicans, are forcing Catholics to pay for abortions.

2. Anti-marriage rights: Republicans want to protect marriage and give tax breaks to married people or people in civil unions.

3. Anti-union rights: Unions should not negotiate their own terms and force people to pay dues for Democrat campaigns. Republicans are 'right to work'

4. Anti-abortion rights: Abortions should not be paid for by people not having them. They should be rare, and not trivial. Republicans support life.

5. Pro-death penalty: Criminals who take life viciously forfeit their right to live.

6. Anti-gay rights: I am not sure what these are? If people have the right to be anti-gay, it's Democrats, not Republicans, who have taken away this right.

7. Anti-drug rights: I know what you mean, but drugs are at least 1/2 of the cause of high school dropouts, crime, and poverty.

8. Anti-tobacco rights: Actually, this is Democrats. Seriously. Read about it.

9. Anti-language freedom: this is laughable. Make a list of words Democrats don't want you to say and a list Republicans don't want you to say. Not only that, Democrats force you to use other meaningless words; e.g. African American, Global Warming, etc.

10. Pro-racial profiling: No idea what you are talking about. Democrats talk about race. Republicans don't care.

11. Anti-voting rights: I actually agree with you. They are anti illegal immigrant voting, anti-felonious voting, and anti-cartoon character voting.

12. Anti-labor freedom: No. That's Democrats. Republicans like people to work for the money they get.

13. Anti-bill of rights: So Republicans took away religious freedom, freedom of speech, the separation of powers, and the second amendment?

14. Anti-right to a trial by jury: IF this were true they aren't doing a great job.

15. Pro-torture: I absolutely think terrorists should be tortured. Unfortunately we never did it.

16. Pro-draft: Every time Americans have been drafted started with a Democrat except for the Civil War, you know, the time Republicans ended slavery?


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