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RSS Valakm

Reward Points:8
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is exactly what i mean!

2 points

Why are some humans so worthless and cruel? If god is the 'all mighty'. Why would he allow this?

1 point

Hahahah not on twitter. No but seriously, God is known to focus on peace and love and whatever, he is supposed to be our creator and the one who will lead us or something, yet our world is corrupting day by day yo god where you at? Like why would such a perfect being create people capable of murder rape and terrorism? If he is the all mighty who writes our faiths and stuff, why would he allow the negativity?

1 point

You'll just recieve a copy pasted text from some "I love america" website.

1 point

I'm an athiest, and I have read the Quran. I completely disagree with what you said about it opening minds to terrorism, that is absolute bs sorry. Islam actually focuses on peace and equality. It's well known now that "muslim terrorists" didn't really sprout more from islamic countries than America itself, referring to politics or other circumstances that just tend to make Islam look bad infront of the world, and because unfortunantely Western media is a lot more progressive and developed, it was an easy task.

1 point

Exactly! And to be honest those ideas are more likely to be true than any of the ones mentioned in religions,and way more logical!

2 points

Exactly! It sets a boundary or a limit to a lot of things, giving us an answer that hasn't been proven in any possible way..

1 point

Exactly, most religions focus on a really closed mindset, like Islam or Christianity, they block our imagination of what is beyond, or who created us and so on. It sets an answer that isn't even logical in some cases anymore. While other religions, Buddhism for example, focus on the complete opposite, and welcome opinions and assumptions about our universe.

3 points

No they haven't! We are talking about all muslims here, not the terrorists.. The majority of muslims are innocent, loving, and caring people. Sadly, terrorists call themselves muslims and that brings a bad image on actual muslims. They haven't won their stereotype of being terrorists no. Not all terrorists are muslim but unfortunantely media has strongly focused on the so called Isis.

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