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RSS Viovenomlet

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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

Read any of the Holy Books.. There's no greater proof...

And since there is no form of contraception that works all the time, then abstinence is the answer.. A married couple has all the right to practice sex however they like and therefore if pregnancy occurs they will be happy about it.. It is some people who aren't married that dislike the idea of a child with a single-parent...

"Raped" is quoted because unless a woman practices sex against her will then there's no reason to believe that she wasn't aware of the possibility of a pregnancy.. And its because some women use being raped as an excuse to have an abortion just because they can't handle the responsibility of their actions...

1 point

You are acting emotionally when you should be detached. This is a rational situation, not an emotional one.

Morals and god are irrelevant, because those are beliefs and values that belong to you and only you, they aren't exactly shared by the women having abortions so it is a case of you imposing your god and your morals upon someone else against their will.

Also bear in mind that the religious groups you're supporting by bringing god into this are often against contraception, and spread misinformation about it, such as "condoms contain holes" or "condoms have HIV inside of them."

Yet you're here telling pregnant women what their fate should be.

Dear opponent, let me ask YOU a question.. do you even know how to debate?!

In a PROFESSIONAL debate, you do not attack any opponent but attack the argument.. I suggest you concentrate on attacking the argument instead of attacking the opponent next time.. First of all, i do not follow any religious groups and personally i think that that information about condoms is just ridiculous and built on ignorant opinions.. Secondly, if i were to follow your "style" of debating, I'd say: You are acting irrationally and a person with no beliefs or morals. Third of all, exactly as you said, these are my beliefs and morals and as i said only God decides the fate of all mankind, so i am simply sharing my point of view and debating. I am not forcing anything on anyone and every person is free to follow what they believe...

Now, to rebut your arguments..

Are you aware of foetal development?

Yes i am. In the case where a woman practices unsafe sex and does not want a pregnancy to occur, there are certain pharmaceutical drugs that should be taken between 48 - 72 hours after intercourse.. Otherwise, expect anything..

The woman is taking responsibility by terminating the pregnancy. In her case it would be irresponsible to have a child that isn't wanted and would grow up lacking the support it needs.

And then she has a child who is a reminder of the man who abused her. The child will suffer for this, and that's how you end up with a more dysfunctional society: children neglected by their mothers who wind up on the streets as thieves or gang members.

Is she really? As i mentioned in an earlier argument, by keeping quiet she is the one allowing herself to go through all this pain.. She may be scared but if she thought of the consequences of keeping quiet - which is a pregnancy maybe - then she should realize keeping quiet isn't the wisest thing to do.. You speak up, you get help and there would be no reason for abortion anyway...

1 point

Have you ever read the Bible or Koran?

Yes i did read the Qur'aan.. unfortunately though, when i came to read the Bible,, i didn't know which to believe because they each said something different even though they were supposed to be the same verses.. How can you have a New International Version(aka New Testament) of a HOLY book that was written by God in the first place and there are no messengers left in the world to reveal it??!

Furthermore,, the verse in the Qur'aan that u referred to has got nothing to do with abortion.. it has to do with Christians..

To conclude,, God is The Creator,, and if HE wishes anything to be created it shall be created...

1 point

The only time an abortion is allowed is when the continuation of the pregnancy puts the mother's life at risk! Otherwise, under whatever circumstances, abortion is a crime.. It's a crime against the unborn baby; against the mother - even if she doesn't want the baby(for a further explained reason); against humanity and our morals and most importantly against God.. Even if this pregnancy occurred due to unsafe sex or it was unexpected by a couple, no one has the right to object to what God has created.. If it's because of unsafe sex, when are you going to take responsibility of your own life and live with the consequences of your mistakes?! It is therefore your duty to have that baby because you chose to have sex ignorantly.. Who, nowadays, is not educated enough to know that somehow unsafe sex can lead to pregnancy?! In the case where you were "raped", then i suggest you get yourself together and talk about what happened to you before it's too late and you'd be more miserable than ever.. In the case where the pregnancy is unexpected - or so it's called - why do you think it happened in the first place?! Everything happens for a reason and only God knows why.. so again, who are you to question fate?! No one has the right to decide the fate of another creature.. NO ONE! but God...

1 point

There is no religion that approves of murder! And it does involve a life that God and only God created.. so who are you to take away this life?!

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Name: Violet 
Gender: Lady
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Qatar
Religion: Muslim

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