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RSS What_no_okay

Reward Points:6
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

Whether cars kill more people are not is immaterial. The question is regarding whether cyberbullying kills many people.

0 points

Understanding is meaningful if it leads to meaningful action.

Without being effective, how can you claim libertarians have more understanding than Democrats/Republicans? Democrats/Republicans, despite their inefficiencies, are still capable of developing laws that help their constituents. Libertarians are a side party with as much influence as the Green party, which is to say not much.

-1 points

This is a debate regarding causation, not of the remedy.

Regardless, understanding the etiology of modern suicides could enable us to develop better psych programs to improve the ability to resolve conflict, especially in the cases of the cyberbully and of the cyberbullied.

2 points

Online presence has become an extension of our identity. The consequence is that our identity through childhood is stored for all time. Cyberbullying includes cyberstalking and slander such that it impacts the perception of online identity. Since the damage appears irreparable because of the relative permanence of information online, young individuals may despair.

Suicide is an act of despair.

1 point

Human race is misusing their intellect by maximizing profit at the expense of adversely and irreversibly impacting the ocean and land ecologies. As the human population increases, more land will be converted into factory farms and oceans will be depleted of organisms that are necessary for the ecological cycle to persist. However, profits will be maximized through various production efficiencies gained at the expense of irreversible damage to our food system.

The stark eventuality is extinction through resource starvation once the regeneration cycle has been broken. The expectation that technology will deter such an eventuality is one that races against time.

1 point

Human race is constantly developing techniques to make better predictions to avoid catastrophes and to improve our quality of life, and the only way to do that is by trying different experiments, "good" and "bad." Without risk, we cannot move forward, and the technologies we take for granted today were the result of risks taken yesterday.

2 points

Libertarians have more understanding of the government and government rule than Democrats/Republicans because Libertarians understand the current government is not representative of an ideal government, that is to say a minimal government. Democrats/Republicans exploit the rules in order to maintain a poorly managed government that provides them special benefits, whereas Libertarians are looking for an ideal government that does not specially favor one group over another.

-2 points
3 points

Providing a choice to everyone, game theory shows that a cooperative approach leads to a situation that benefits all more than that for an individual party. However, if one party chooses to be deceptive, then all parties lose relative to the optimal. If a non-Darwinist policy is imposed (no choice), then the optimal policy is regained, everyone benefits and a solution closest to optimal is reached.

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