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Debate Score:54
Total Votes:66
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 Agree (17)
 Disagree (19)

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LizziexLaura(4278) pic

Libertarians have more understanding than Democrats/Republicans

Do libertarians have more understanding about government rule than republicans/democrats?


Side Score: 26


Side Score: 28
3 points

Yeah, I think we do, but that might seem biased coming from me, since I am Libertarian. I view the current bi-party system as two-parties competing for the same thing, just disputing on ow to get there. Many of the old Rhinos of the Republicans, and then most Democrats, want a more socialized country. The Democrats are more open about it while the Republicans are trying to hide it under the guise of conservatism. We also take many view points from both parties. Democrats believe in more social freedoms while Republicans believe in more economic freedoms. We believe in both, by limiting government involvement in both. Let people act the way they want to and let the people work the way they want to. It's a best-of-both-worlds scenario.

Side: Agree

True, Democrats and Republicans want the same thing, which is more government, but they just can't agree on where.

Side: Agree

Republicans want a government takeover on social issues and Democrats want a government takeover on fiscal issues.

Side: Agree
what_no_okay(6) Disputed
0 points

Understanding is meaningful if it leads to meaningful action.

Without being effective, how can you claim libertarians have more understanding than Democrats/Republicans? Democrats/Republicans, despite their inefficiencies, are still capable of developing laws that help their constituents. Libertarians are a side party with as much influence as the Green party, which is to say not much.

Side: Disagree
Scout143(652) Disputed
2 points

The way I view politics is by taking a step-back. I know the Republicans and Democrats develope laws for their consituents, but the deadlock between these parties is absurd. They haven't gotten a budget proposal in many years until recently, when it is supposed to be every year. They have more governmental oversight that clogs up the governmental system. Taxes take forever under them. Immigrants trying to get citizenship takes years to get! All of these should take less time. The economy would recover faster without government intervention.

Also, I didn't see the Green Party on the last election. But the Libertarians were running for President, and Senator, and Congressman. The Libertarian Party is the third largest party in the US and the fastest growing.

Side: Agree
2 points

Libertarians have more understanding of the government and government rule than Democrats/Republicans because Libertarians understand the current government is not representative of an ideal government, that is to say a minimal government. Democrats/Republicans exploit the rules in order to maintain a poorly managed government that provides them special benefits, whereas Libertarians are looking for an ideal government that does not specially favor one group over another.

Side: Agree
2 points

I have a Centrist viewpoint. There are so many underlying topics within this broad topic. Libertarians viewpoints seek a more free society with less government intervention, more power to the individuals, correct me if I am wrong. Their view has some radical changes from where we are now but it has good intentions. Would their ideas work? Possibly. It isn't an all for one viewpoint but in my perspective most of it would work better than our highly-regulated current ways.

Side: Agree
1 point

more understanding? What you talkin' about girl? ;)

Side: Agree

In government. My bad. I updated it .

Side: Agree
1 point

I agree. Democrats are traitors to liberalism, and Republicans are traitors to conservatism. Both sides are being screwed.

Side: Agree
1 point

More "understanding" isn't much of an explanation. They have more understand about what?

Side: Disagree

I updated it. My bad .

Side: Disagree
1 point

I strongly believe that the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, and the Libertarian party are all on the wrong track. A more extreme version of a flawed economic ideology will not improve anything.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Libertarians are not very pragmatic in the political arena. Being libertarian in a partisan sense means you want a flat tax, no social programs, and very limited government. Ultimately this will just vilify the government and make it a more arbitrary part of our lives instead of what it should be; a manifestation of us, the governed. The reason libertarians oppose government it because the government has never seen that much involvement of the people. Ideally, the government should be an extension of the people instead of what it is now: an instrument used to manipulate the people. The answer is not less government it is more public involvement in government so that government is never used against us.

Side: Disagree
1 point

They don't, because they don't understand that corporations are not people and they are willing to secure corporate America. Libertarians want pure utter unregulated capitalism which could wipe out the middle class! But the libertarians get it right on these criticisms of Republicans, Republicans can't understand the war on drugs is very harmful, and a growing police state does not benefit liberty!

Side: Disagree

It is dangerous when one group claims that it inherently has a greater understanding that others. It becomes difficult to see the validity of our opposition though ones own bloated ego.

Side: Disagree
0 points

I am in favor of Democrats because they are closer to being liberal, albeit not quite. I do take issue with antiliberal policies from any party though.

Side: Disagree
3 points

I'm not disputing you because I don't want you to think I'm being an asshole (because I've been known to be one... from time to time) but I honestly don't think you understand what a libertarian is.

Side: Disagree
4 points

Please don't try to convince Ismalia to be a Libertarian. She will do more damage to the ideology if she claims to be one.

Side: Disagree
Sitara(11080) Clarified
1 point

You have the right to freedom of speech, and you are doing it nicely. Please explain libertarianism to me. :)

Side: Agree
skymto(113) Disputed
1 point

When our government is still a democracy not all of the policies will favor Liberals or Conservatives. In theory the most beneficial outcome for the country should be what is chosen instead of one party "shoving it down the other's throat" simply because they outnumber them or are too ignorant to acknowledge a better option.

Side: Agree
-2 points