
BRONT's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BRONT's arguments, looking across every debate.
BRONT(400) Clarified
0 points

Bye dear. Sleep tight my love. Your eyes shine like the brightest stars. I'm a 37 year old virgin please help me.😢

Aha! I knew it.

1 point

Was it Romney?

Yes. He and Bush are a part of the establishment you worship that blows up world trade centers intentionally.

I always used to get mixed up between Himmler and Hitler too.

What were you doing with Himmler and Hittler?

1 point

It makes perfect sense. Next question.

It doesn't.

Hitler wasn't on the left.

He burned Bibles and churches, was antisemitic and censored his opponents. Apparently the left is using his National Socialist, left wing handbook.

1 point

Even IF they delayed the election, they CANNOT, absolutely CANNOT, extend Donald Trumps term of office.. He's OUT on January 20, PERIOD..

Bad new Con. He's not going to lose...just like last time...

Quit getting suckered by these white, Democrat morons.

-1 points

At Least Nixon Was Sane Enough To Step Down. More Than We Can Say For Trump.

Frustrated that the Nazi, Communist tactics aren't working this time, eh Nom?

Oh well. You have the right to worship the same establishment the Bushes control.

1 point

The question contradicts itself you fucking idiot. If a variable was constant, it would be called a constant not a variable.

Fact check:


constant variable

A variable whose value cannot be changed once it has been assigned a value. See also dependent variable, independent variable.

Bwahahahahahaha! ROFLMAO. The helmet wearer takes one to the nuts once again...

At least he didn't get nut punched concerning the grammatical use of apostrophes. Oh wait...

1 point

You didn't answer the question.

Correct. It is impossible to answer an illogical question logically.

You are dodging the question. It's clear what the constant is.

1 point

But you are purposefully ignoring every time the polls ever got it right previously (which was a lot)

You haven't provided any data that they have ever "gotten it right", and even if they had, you are ignoring the media's unbridled bias against this particular President.

-1 points

The Federalist, the Washington Times, the National Review .... maybe you have a story from the Moscow Daily Bulletin????

What is it Al? Do they teach you at some leftist temple to attack the source if you get nuked in debates?

Racial Segregation On American Campuses: A Widespread Phenomenon



Are Separate Dorms A Good Or Bad Thing For Black Students?

-Huffington Post


Segregated Student Housing: Exclusion in the Name of Inclusion

-College Fix


Segregation by Design on Campus

How racial separatism become the norm at elite universities like Yale, Brown and Wesleyan.

-Wall Street Journal


Campus leaders couldn't care less about racial progress

Hadn't we already agreed as a nation that racial segregation is morally wrong? Apparently, these schools haven't gotten the memo.

-USA Today


Smith College Introduces Segregated Residence Halls


Stanford’s Silent Segregation

-Stanford Review


Cal State LA Under Scrutiny For Offering Segregated Housing For Black Students

-CBS amp/


The Colorado Springs Gazette: CU-Boulder's 'separate but equal' segregated dorms

-The Colorado Springs Gazette f9c5e065-6fef-5877-8f6d-82b0a73f2f98.html

0 points

They censored the video because it was bullshit.

And how do you know that? Uganda uses the exact same drug and has 3 deaths nationwide. The problem in Uganda is Malaria. Guess what Uganda is using en mass...

July 08, 2020

US FDA approved hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and chloroquine (CQ) for COVID-19 as an Emergency Use Authorization, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an EUA to allow hydroxychloroquine sulfate and chloroquine phosphate donated to the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) to be distributed and used for hospitalized COVID-19 patients. In fact, these two drugs have been used for decades for the therapy and control of malaria and autoimmune diseases.

We already have an issue with people thinking this whole thing is a hoax

Name some prominent Republicans who think the virus is a hoax.

as if they know more than the ACTUAL doctor's and scientists out there

The video censored is literally of doctors...

we don't need some idiots calling for the use of hydroxychloroquine which has NOT been proven an effective treatment

What are you talking about you brainwashed zombie?

Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rate Significantly in COVID-19 Patients, Henry Ford Health System Study Shows

July 02, 2020

If you're spreading false information to the uneducated masses, and that information can affect the lives and livelihood of millions, hell yeah that fake news needs to be removed.

Yet nothing left wing, and blatantly false gets removed.

BRONT(400) Clarified
1 point

@ BRONT - Would you please explain your current conspiracy theory, I'm losing track of them.

It would take years to list all of the left's failed conspiracy theories.

"40 PERCENT of Americans ‘think Joe Biden has dementia and 61 percent think he should publicly address it’"


"Joe Biden must release the results of his cognitive tests — voters need to know"

Videos of Biden's cognitive decline

1 point

Systemic racism? Probably not. But why was this doctor attacked? How was this doctor attacked?

It was doctors who said the cure for Covid-19 already existed, and they were using it on patients nearly flawlessly. So big tech and the left wing media censored the video. Rather than attack the white doctors, they, the left, attacked the one of Kenyan birth. Why? Well, the leftists you bend the knee to are smarter than doctors and experts. And not only are Facebook, Twitter, the media, and the left smarter than doctors, they are so much smarter that you cannot even be allowed to hear what these stupid doctors had to say.



Fox News' take-


CNN's take-

1 point

I think we've reached a point where ANY racism on the right is "systemic". We likely have some racism on the left, but, that is individual racism, not systemic.

The left runs the system. Explain to me which part of the system the right controls.

It is SOOO widespread on the right it can't be called anything else. :-(

Riiiiight... The left is literally teaching segregation..

It has become common for American Liberal colleges, public and private, to offer segregated dorms, graduation ceremonies, and events.


Campus Identity Politics Are Leading To Racially Self-Segregated Dorms And Parties

Race-based dorms emerging across the country keep people in their cultural comfort zones.


Evergreen College students back at it with 'no white people' day may/17/evergreen-college-students-back-it-no-white-people/

-3 points
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0 points

Nazism can be defined as oligarchical collectivism. . . . It seems fairly certain that something of the same kind is occurring in Soviet Russia; the similarity of the two regimes has been growing more and more obvious for the last six years. (“Will Freedom Die With Capitalism?” [1941] 1684; emphasis in original) aspubli.html

1 point

Orwell even argued that by virtue of their undemocratic and collectivist nature, Nazi fascism and Soviet communism were essentially the same thing. aspubli.html

1 point

Thus, Orwell’s experiences in Spain convinced him not that socialism was a false ideal, but that the Soviet Union and the Communists had betrayed that ideal. Orwell “was a socialist but, ever since Spain, an anti-Stalinist socialist and his hostility to Communism was a pervasive feature of his political writing” (Newsinger, Orwell’s Politics 97). He thought that “Communism is now a counter-revolutionary force” (Orwell, “Spilling the Spanish Beans” [1937] 67), working against socialism. He became inspired to expose their duplicity and conniving, and he related the theme of the Soviet betrayal of the cause of socialism with the totalitarian rewriting of the past:

The Communist movement in Western Europe began as a movement for the violent overthrow of capitalism, and degenerated within a few years into an instrument of Russian foreign policy. (“Inside the Whale” [1940] in Essays 233f., quoted in Newsinger, Orwell’s Politics 113) aspubli.html

1 point


“National Socialism is a form of socialism, is emphatically revolutionary, does crush the property owner as surely as it crushes the worker.” orwell-on-nazism-as-socialism/

1 point

at least I'm not a Nazi.

You are a Nazi. Not only are you a Nazi, you have admitted it by claiming to be a Communist.

0 points

Good. This way Biden can deal with his Dimentia, and the Democrats can't use a sick man as a pawn anymore.

1 point

Why Are Racists Often The Last People To Realise They Are Racists?

Well buddy. It's because you are stupid. It's hardly our fault that you treat Jews as if you were Hitler.

1 point

Three Times Yesterday Our Beloved Pres Was Criticised

I debunk more than 3 fake Trump attacks every day somewhere. Point?

1 point

I know the difference between a triplet arpeggio and a pentatonic scale.

I suppose you are lying, but nevertheless, you can get an A in music theory class and still have no musical talent. AKA, if I handed you an instrument, you'd really suck. I mean, you suck at everything else, so it's the obvious conclusion one should make.

0 points

When one pisses off his/her own people lots of nasty things happen. Hopefully, Trump finds that out soon .... REAL soon!

He's surging in the polls that are actually correct at the end of elections. Good luck with that.

1 point

Hi Bronto.

Why do you suppose there is an "o" at the end of my name, seeing my name is just "bront"? Is that you burrito taco fajita?

I got twenty seconds in before laughter caused me to turn it off. The host wasn't aware if there were one or two stabbings

Oh really? So they might have stabbed TWO people? I thought you said they were antifascists and not fascists. Why did you lie to us buddy?

Just stupid Nazi propaganda.

Who here is a Communist other than you buddy? Do tell.

1 point

Was mommy too busy sucking cock to send you to school.

Uh oh Nom. You forgot to put a question mark at the end of your question. Definitely racism and Nazism right there.

1 point

I just noticed your source is The Sun.

I looked at it. It says it is "The U.S. Sun". I can't find them on your mediabiasfactcheck site, but I did look up other stories of theirs, and they certainly were not right wing. So, we still don't have you addressing the debate topic.

1 point

Pretending to be good at playing Jazz, eh Burritoclature?

1 point

Russian scientists have succeeded in reversing time

Well, well, well. What do we have here? Is this burrito proving why the God who created time needeth not His own creator? Yes, yes. It very well is.

Or perhaps you are just mentally insane. But we already knew that, didn't we... Ramshutu...

1 point

Hello bront:

This website gives me a boner... I'm rock hard.

This is excellent news seeing I am decades younger than you. I have many years of future hardness to look forward to...

1 point

Make Penis Bigger

Hello Smegma:

Dude! I can't zip my pants right now.

Why are you hard right now Con? Do tell.

1 point

President Trump on Tuesday commented on the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell, the incarcerated former girlfriend of Jeffrey Epstein, and said he wishes her "well."

So the left's best, new, unrelated to governing, position is "Trump wished someone well". Excellent...

1 point

Trump thinks Americans enjoy seeing hippies’ and black people’s heads busted in as much as he does.

ANTIFA does this alot. You say you love them.

There could be 200,000 Americans dead from the virus by election day.

Biden has fought a pandemic before. It did not go smoothly.

50 million Americans could be unemployed...

Unemployment rate declines

July 2, 2020

Yet all Trump has time for, is protecting a federal building in Portland from being sprayed with graffiti.

Cool. So don't defend Democrat buildings if vigilante's come for them and burn them to the ground.

Is this not quintessential Nero fiddling, while Rome burned??

Nice. The left can't decide if Trump is an authoritarian Fed wielding Nazi or weak and feckless. Hence, I eat my popcorn and watch leftist clowns kill each other and destroy their own cities while we watch from miles away.

Isn't it interesting how the left burns its own cities, watches them burn, and its leaders do zilch, and they aren't "fiddling while Rome burns".....

1 point

Bush Family Links to Nazi Germany: “A Famous American Family” Made its Fortune from the Nazis

Ah yes. The same globalist Bush that the Obama's love and are dear, close friends with... history-photos-2019-12?amp

1 point

So anyway, you are clearly an evil little retard who is using the Nazis' own propaganda as a weapon against the left.

Orwell is neither right wing or Nazi propaganda you helmet wearing goblin child.

1 point

Orwell says burritolunch is a Nazi, so he is one

Everyone, including Orwell, claims Burritolunch is a Nazi.

2 points

Claim in NYT article: "The FBI has closely examined at least four other people close to Mr. Trump ... Carter Page ... Roger Stone... and Mr. Flynn."

Note by Strzok: "We have not investigated Roger Stone."

Claim by NYT: "Senior FBI officials believe ... Christopher Steele ... has a credible track record."

Note by Strzok: "Recent interviews and investigation, however, reveal Steele may not be in a position to judge the reliability of subsource network."

Claim by NYT: "The FBI's investigation into Mr. Manafort began last spring [2016]."

Note by Strzok: "This is inaccurate ... our investigation of Manafort was opened in August 2016."

Claim by NYT: "The bureau did not have enough evidence to obtain a warrant for a wiretap of Mr. Manafort's communications, but it had the NSA closely scrutinize the communications of Ukrainian officials he had met."

Note by Strzok: "This is inaccurate ..." There is as yet no explanation in the documents or from the New York Times as to the identities of the four "American officials" who apparently provided the misleading and false information; or what their motivation was. However, it is clear that inaccurate reporting such as that in the Times had a significant influence on the trajectory of the Trump-Russia collusion probe, which ultimately concluded there had been no collusion on the part of Trump, anyone in the Trump campaign, or any U.S. person.

-1 points

At This Point Trump Would Struggle To Win An Egg And Spoon Race

Could it be that America has finally decided it doesn't like where this fascism crap is going?

He's tied with Biden in the polls, and the polls always seem to be off anywhere from 5 to 10% in favor of the Democrat. Many polling experts say this phenomenon is caused by the fact that pollsters tend to poll larger cities and do not take into account rural sentiment. In 2016, Hillary Clinton was up by 13%. She lost. So the fact that Biden is not up by 13% should be a wake up coffee to the left.

As for Fascism, yes, America is rejecting ANTIFA, who Orwell calls the same as Nazis. I just read a story about a black woman destroying a Black Lives Matter mural, not once, but three times. Ah yes. The times, they are a changing.

1 point

As far as I can see, the "God" in the Bible is doing whatever the individual reader wants it to do at a particular time. It can be made to fit ANY situation, express ANY opinion, elevate or denigrate ANY movement or action, some even look at it upside down. ;-)

Cool. So how many ways are there to interpret this verse? Do tell.

1 point

more tied to Jesus than I am.

Define "tied to Jesus".

Neither, I'm sure is Steven Miller. The same unidentified Trump Brown Shirts

Always good to see the left kill more people in a week than the cops did in a year, while the media applaud it, just to turn around and say it's somehow the right's fault, despite the right never being present...

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