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Dunno Do know
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:18
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 Dunno (8)
 Do know (6)

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BurritoLunch(6566) pic

Why Are Racists Often The Last People To Realise They Are Racists?

They usually begin their sentences with things like, "I'm not racist, but..."


Side Score: 8

Do know

Side Score: 7
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BRONT(400) Banned
1 point

Why Are Racists Often The Last People To Realise They Are Racists?

Well buddy. It's because you are stupid. It's hardly our fault that you treat Jews as if you were Hitler.

Side: Do know
1 point

Well buddy. It's because you are stupid.

What a coincidence. I just banned you for being stupid.

you treat Jews

Jews aren't even a race you retarded fuck. The only people who think Jews are a race are:-

A) You.

B) Hitler.

Now is that just a coincidence?

Side: Dunno
1 point

you treat Jews as if you were Hitler.

You and everything you ever write is a total joke. Being called Hitler by a literal Nazi is just surreal. If what you say were true you'd be sucking my cock, not calling me stupid.

Side: Dunno
Dermot(5736) Banned
0 points

Yes you always start your outbursts with "I'm not racist, but you’re not a fucking Jew you’re a fucking Nazi actually, there’s no DNA test for Jewishness blah , blah , blah “

So tell why you detest Jews but think poor ole Bin Laden got a bad deal or Muhammad wasn’t a child molester like you?

Side: Do know
1 point

there’s no DNA test for Jewishness

1) There is no DNA test for any racial group because DNA is constantly being split and mixed with each successive generation.

2) Jews are not, nor ever were, a racial group. They are a religious group. Religion and race are not the same thing.

3) You are a liar and a racist idiot with absolutely nothing intelligent -- or even relevant -- to offer a conversation.

Side: Dunno

In fact I was actually thinking about you when I opened this debate. You think you are really clever because you can come online and call blacks "bongos", but in actual fact this just qualifies you as a complete idiot with the mind (and sense of humour) of an eleven year old.

Side: Dunno
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

1) There is no DNA test for any racial group because DNA is constantly being split and mixed with each successive generation.

2) Jews are not, nor ever were, a racial group. They are a religious group. Religion and race are not the same thing.

Hello hater:

Yet, there's this:

Doncha just LOVE the music?? It's JEWISH music..


Side: Do know
FactCheck(36) Disputed Banned
0 points

Jews are not, nor ever were, a racial group

Fact check:


To be a Jew, by definition, one must be the descendent of the man Jacob.

"The term Israelite is the English name for the descendants of the biblical patriarch Jacob in ancient times, which is derived from the Greek Ἰσραηλῖται,[34] which was used to translate the Biblical Hebrew term b'nei yisrael, יִשְׂרָאֵל as either "sons of Israel" or "children of Israel".[35]"

Side: Do know
Miocene(707) Clarified Banned
1 point

Hi Dermot, I think the old man is having a senior moment and becoming confused.

To the best of my knowledge you have never referred to blacks as Bongos.


Side: Dunno
BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
1 point

To the best of my knowledge you have never referred to blacks as Bongos.

If you genuinely think any of the regulars here don't know you also own the Dermot account you are retarded.

Side: Dunno