
BlueFang24's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of BlueFang24's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Why wouldn't you be able to change your name? It is yours after all.

1 point

Google is accepted by most people as the search engine to use, and I for one agree.

1 point

Agreed that there are simply too many earthquakes to name them all.

"It is estimated that there are 500,000 detectable earthquakes in the world each year. 100,000 of those can be felt, and 100 of them cause damage." (Source Below)

Supporting Evidence: USGS Website; Earthquake Facts (
1 point

With the way things are going right now, I don't think that self-driving cars should be a thing for quite a while. I just don't see a system where real drivers and self-driving computers integrate well. If anything, it may cause more accidents for the sheer fact that the computer can't and will not be as capable to handle some situations.

1 point

From what I've seen personally, it is almost expected for the guy to pay. But, I can say that I have seen the opposite expected, with sometimes the person who sets up the date/dinner being expected to pay.

1 point

When it comes to the law I don't think there is anything against gay marriage. What you think is up to you, but I feel like since it doesn't hurt anybody, then people should be able to love who they want to.

1 point

Did Peyton Manning even play in Super Bowl 50? Must've missed his 141 yards and 1 interception performance.

1 point

A lot of anything can be a problem. Water is needed for all known life, but you can have too much of it.

Supporting Evidence: Even too much water is a thing. (
1 point

Personally, I'm just confused as to what this debate is supposed to be about. To me it just seems like OP posted a news article.

1 point

Quite the odd question, but I would think that smell would probably work fine.

1 point

I agree. The Patriots have only gotten better this off season, and I don't see them slowing down any time soon.

1 point

It really depends, but I'm going with no simply because the media is a business and businesses are supposed to make as much money as possible. By over exaggerating stories, they get clicks and ratings, which makes them money. To be honest I expect them to over exaggerate because it's their jobs. As much as we may not want to believe it, their jobs are to make money not to report the news.

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