
DMX2's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of DMX2's arguments, looking across every debate.
7 points

The creator of this debate is obviously a white supremacist that hates brown people.

0 points

They all vote together, so all from the same bee hive as far as I'm concerned. The Marxists are the most extreme, violent & terrorizing, so they might as well all be Marxists since that's the group running "liberal" parties & running the bee hive.

0 points

Head rolled in the sand

Rolled in the sand

Nom got his head rolled

Rolled in the sand

Head rolled in the sand

Rolled in the sand

Nom got his head rolled

Rolled in the sand

Head rolled in the sand

Rolled in the sand

Nom got his head rolled

Rolled in the sand

1 point

It's the narcissistic kid who everyone knows has way too high a self-image but since he's willing to harm himself and get expelled, no one really wants to tease him as he's a psycho and will fight to the death.

And we don't come up with little girl names like "mingiwuwu".

1 point

Insults are the liberal go to because they can't debate you on the issues or on common sense. They only have slogans, insults, and unchecked emotions.

1 point

You said America wasn't the best, biggest, richest, or most powerful though. So which is it?

1 point

You avoided the question cause you can't answer it. That's why Democrats are losing. You guys don't have answers only insults.

DMX2 Clarified
1 point

This is a false equivalency because the logical idiosyncrasies that pertain particularly to time do not pertain to other concepts, such as base 2 number systems, computer language, computers, or computer programmers.

You are assuming the construct of time isn't programmed. I am based on Super Symmetry in String Theory.

3 points

He's the best President the United States has had since Reagan. The rest were self righteous mongrels.

1 point

It’s to free America from Semitic dogma

The Communist Manifesto replacing it is worse.

DMX2 Clarified
1 point

No, we would only have God if the assumptions were correct, which has yet to be determined. We may merely have the assumption that God exists.

Our assumptions about whether or not something exists are irrelevant to the thing's actual existence.

If not God, then tell us what.

2 points

Pointing out a rich, spoiled, godless American liberal doesn't help your cause.

3 points

The British won't let black people like me onto the island. They just let Africans starve. Thank God for Americans, or we would have died.

2 points

Could you please specify what these lies are.*

DMX2 Clarified
1 point

Your assumption is that god existed before time (which is necessary for god to have created time.

This is like claiming binary code had to exist before the computer programmer existed. It's nonsensical. If God created time there is no "before" to him. There just "is".

DMX2 Clarified
1 point

Why not assume that time and space came first, and that god developed from that? That is an equally valid a priori assumption

1)Maybe it did. We'd still have God.

2)In real life it's doubtful seeing that it looks like our reality, space, time and matter all had a beginning at the Big Bang.

0 points

It counts as evidence because it describes a situation that matches today's situation. This particular list doesn't even nearly give much of the prophecies.

Talking snakes is a false dichotomy in that the story is an allegory. More proof of this is found in Ezekiel 31. The Noah story is an allegory referenced by Christ as depicting the condition and happenings in the end of days.

Supporting Evidence: Ezekiel 31 passages (
1 point

He created time, space and matter. He didn't pop into existence out of his own creation. Sadly, the atheist cannot ask "how can it happen without God?"

Supporting Evidence: Where did God come from? (
1 point

Not if you are knowledgeable on Biblical prophecy. If you know Biblical prophecy, you'd have to ignore it to be Agnostic.

2 points

Only Mexicans matter to the white liberal. They've dried up the Black vote & are doing everything they can to create new voters.

1 point

You're, you dumb fuck.

Maybe he shortened it like when people use 'ur' for you're in texts. You don't know.

1 point

The world already has an abundant supply of idiots with big mouths

In America we call the people like that Democrats.

1 point

It looks as if you just may have some kind of brain disease. You probably are insane.

1 point

You selectively omit all the evidence which does not suit you, and you grossly exaggerate all the evidence which does

Could be like Democrats do with 9/11.

1 point

Are you from Australia? If not, please do not act like you are from Australia.

1 point

but the basic theory is that the seeds for life exist in abundance throughout space, and when they find the right conditions they grow and thrive.

Provide pictures of the seeds.

1 point

Why do you have a 'sock collection'? If you just buy all of the same sock, you don't have to fold socks, & there is no collection. Why are you buying random socks that do not match?

1 point

Murdoch is a corrupt multi-billionaire right wing propaganda tycoon

What are the corruptions?

Why are you not a tycoon? Are you not any good with money? Do you not understand basic financing?

1 point

Clinton News Fiction Network. Nuff said.

1 point

Furthermore, please explain how not vetting Mexican housekeepers who aren't allowed within 400 yards of the White House is a greater crime than not vetting an Israeli spy who you give top secret security clearance to?

How about you explain how either one of these things isn't a crime.

1 point

Wrong. These illegal immigrants arrived while Republicans were in charge

Democrats have had the Whitehouse most of recent times. Illegals were entering before you were born & have never not been entering illegally, not in my life.

But mostly, if Democrats wanted law & order, there would be. They don't.

1 point

Conservatives suck the bones of the dead because they believe it gives them special powers.

Democrats do not care about vetting

1 point

Al Gore invented climate change

One degree of temperature change in 150 years isn't climate change.

1 point

I see. Soros runs the BBC now too, does he

Soros is a white supremacist follower of the German fuhrer.

1 point

The Democrats don't care about laws. If they did, illegal migration would be somewhere around 0, & they would not give sanctuary to criminals.

1 point

I come to you hungry and tired, you give me food, let me sleep

I come to you weak, you give me strength, and that's deep

Called me a sheep, and lead me to green pastures

Only askin' that I keep the focus in between the chapters.

1 point

No close second even came to mind, so hoop, there it is..............

1 point

We gonna keep da guns, nutting you can do. We gonna keep da guns, you better run foo.

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