
DrewC's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of DrewC's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

If you think it is as simple as the Swiss are mature and Americans are not then I really do not think this discourse will lead to anything productive.

2 points

Yeah that's an excellent point. We should put these magic alarms on cars to make sure that they can never get burglarized! This would surely make breaking into cars a thing of the past.....

DrewC(2) Clarified
1 point

Meant to be opponent of gun control Meant to be opponent of gun control Meant to be opponent of gun control Meant to be opponent of gun control

3 points

This is one avenue a criminal could go to obtain a firearm. It looks like what you are proving is that criminals won't follow the law when it comes to obtaining a firearm. Weird to think that more gun control would sway them to start obtaining guns legally... How odd that criminals are stealing guns, if only it was illegal to steal guns...

2 points

I think they should close the loophole that one does not need to have a background check if buying a gun at a gunshow. This loophole undermines the entire cause of the gun control laws we have enacted.

2 points

What a novel idea. Maybe within the next 1000 years America will be able to have such an advanced system. Oh wait, America already has security systems for homes so it looks like your argument just flew out the window. Sorry buddy, better luck next time.

1 point

The whole point of bringing up Switzerland is that they are an example of a society with a prevalent gun culture, and they show that more guns does not always coincide with more violence. We have a people problem in America. Mental health is pushed aside and unstable people can do some really bad things. The gun is the tool with which these bad people inflict pain, but getting rid of their tool does not take away their desire to kill. We have to fix the root of the problem, not just address the symptom as that would give time for the problem to increase.

3 points

If the law states that I cannot have a gun but the burglar gets one off the black market, how am I supposed to defend my property? I would much rather have a gun to ward off a criminal than have to put my faith in the police to respond to my 911 call in time to save myself from getting shot or shanked to death while I am defenseless on the phone trying to tell them my address as static takes over the line. By the way, very intelligent of you to generalize an entire country you absolute turtle minded buffoon.

1 point

I can tell that all you know how to do is constantly refresh this site and wait for your next chance to write some troll comments. You seem to be more concerned with my age than even understanding my argument so you can go back to the cave which you came from and keep your ad hominem bologna to yourself. I would write more but I do not wish to waste my time arguing with someone that has the mental capacity of a tomato.

1 point

With that kind of logic what other amendments should we change because they are old? I do not think that the age matters as much as the context of the amendment. Without the second amendment, the first amendment cannot be maintained as it could be taken away within an instant by the right corrupt and devious official.

1 point

I have to agree with you on your well thought out points here. I think that making the background checks and other checks more thorough would be a great action step in reducing uneducated and bad people from getting guns. I agree with you as well that an outright ban would never work.

1 point

The whole sentence that firearms are meant to kill a target is a bit misleading. Fire arms can be used to sub due a burglar just from the threat of the firearm alone. In countries such as britain where guns are heavily regulated, terrorists go to the next available strategy of using cars to run people over. Should we ban cars as they could be used to kill mass amounts of people easily? The problem in America seems to be a mental health problem and right now there does not seem to be adequate background checks when it comes to buying guns so that definitely needs to get fixed but I do not think banning guns is the way to go. Banning alcohol only lead to bootleggers picking up the supply as the demand was already there. Banning guns could lead to the same type of events where the black market picks up where the legal market left off.

2 points

I agree that the times have changed but I would say that the threat to liberty is still the same. The 2nd amendment came about in order to protect our first amendment rights. Without this, the latter will fail. I agree that fully automatic guns should be banned, which they are with some exceptions as of now. When you say semi-automatic weapons do you mean that or are you meaning fully automatic? I am asking being pistols are semi-automatic and right now it is near impossible to get an automatic weapon in the US.

1 point

Looking to Switzerland, which has the third-highest ratio of civilian firearms per 100 residents (46), outdone by only the US (89) and Yemen (55), we can see that it is possible to have a society filled with guns and yet not have massive shooting sprees occur. The difference between the US and Switzerland is that they have immense training when it comes to guns and almost every boy has some training when it comes to firearms and their safety. I feel that if the United States did a better job of teaching people about firearms, we could have a similar effect that was shown with the Swiss people. Banning guns only gives the criminals the advantage as they do not care about gun laws and would get a gun on the black market. Banning guns would have the effect of punishing those that follow the laws instead of harming the lawless criminals that commit crime.

0 points

Brother, you are the one on here insulting others left and right. You are lucky I am being graded for this otherwise I would have left this page long ago because of your nonstop insulting towards multiple people in this thread. I would dispute your argument but it would just be a waste of my time as you would come back with another insult and another downvote on my post. Have fun being forever triggered on this site.

1 point

It would seem that you are not just a clown but the entire circus. Get off this page and go troll people on another board you buffoon. I am shocked to see that you are even allowed in here, but luckily for you, my teacher has yet to see the excrement you've been spewing on here the last few days. You can use guns to hunt unlike nuclear weapons, and I do not understand where your point about date rape drugs even comes from. I hope you get some help for your problem of needlessly patrolling these forums to insult others.

3 points

I agree that in a perfect world there is no need for the general population to have guns, but the world we live in is not perfect. I would much rather have a gun on me when a burglar breaks into my home than have to call the police and wait for them to come while the burglar ransacks my house.

1 point

I would say the claim that guns easily create an opportunity to kill someone holds some truth, but they can be quite pricey, and for the most part, one has to go through a background check. If someone wants to kill someone, they have the means regardless and taking away guns is not going to eliminate those people from society nor their urges. The thing that differentiates the United States and Japan is that Japan is an island thus it is easier to smuggle things in than that of a landlocked country like America where the southern border has many crossings where many things could be smuggled in. Also the culture surrounding guns in Japan is vastly different than America's.

1 point

I agree with some of what you say, but I think that if the US did some fixing of their path to citizenship that would be best because most people that are really struggling do not have the time or money to wait to legally become a citizen.

2 points

In this society, we have put laws in place to keep our country safe and secure. While I do believe that people should have the chance to immigrate to America, I think they should do so legally instead of break our laws to enter the country. If we are going to have laws, we cannot just pick and choose which ones we want to enforce.

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