
JacobFrye's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of JacobFrye's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Why do parents discipline their children after misbehaving? BECAUSE IT WORKS!

Is that why you flail yourself and blow up abortion clinics?

1 point

The best ones are dead or scarcely known of.


1 point

The fact that the 3 countries allied in Revelation are Iran, China and Russia is good evidence of God's existence.

Where in the bable does it say that?

1 point

True, they don’t speak for all the left wingers. But god help the left winger who disagrees.

Have you ever seen one of these big right wing figures debate a legitimate intellectual who is on the left? They specifically pick out the dumb ones to debate and point to when arguing against the left. Leftism in it's best form is also relatively rare for the same reason that geniuses are less common than average and dumb people, and the establishment left is always a shitty bureaucratic version because the establishment never wants to reduce it's own power. The true, well articulated far left ideas are never shown to you unless you really look for them because they threaten the status quo and cannot be debated honestly given that they are objectively true.

1 point

Football is boring, stupid and gay. It's 3 hours of grown men playing ass grab and fighting over a ball that isn't even shaped like a ball.

JacobFrye(35) Clarified
1 point

(weasel voice) The left wing is fundamentally immoral, because left wing politics is based on theft and distorting the facts of biology and objective morality. That's why it's impossible to debate a left winger, they can't debate you because there is no objective reality in their self-entitled nihilistic postmodernist cultural marxist moral relativist worldview. That's why they argue with pure feelings based rhetoric, because studies show that liberals are ugly, have low testosterone and are more likely to be indifferent to facts than right wingers. Also all left wingers are anti-semites and everyone who was ever a bad person was a leftist and an atheist. Also there is no such thing as a rich person who is bad unless they are a left winger.

2 points

Also they tend to misrepresent the left quite a bit by conflating the stereotypical "college liberal" or social democrat with all left wingers.

2 points

I watch Ben Shapiro believe it or not. I watch all of the "public intellectuals" you right wingers adore. That's why I can tell when someone is a mindless idiot like Bronto repeating their talking points like a parrot. I don't agree with censoring them, but I do think they are objectively wrong and stupid about a great many things.

0 points

I know abortion is a very important issue for you

He has a mentally ill obsession over it really. It's a bit concerning.

1 point

It amazes me how Bronto believes everything Hitler says, like a little kid believing the stranger in the van when he says there are puppies inside.

1 point

I just gave you a small list of the slippery slope and moral decline in America as the Left censor's God from our nation.

Even if believing in God makes people behave more morally it doesn't prove God's existence, it just proves humans are insane, savage animals who need to be brainwashed into superstitious belief systems that threaten them with hell fire just to treat each other halfway decently.

You gave me nothing but a denial. Is that what you call debating?

That's what you do to the scientific evidence behind evolution and climate change so it's only fitting.

Let me help ok? You are suppose to tell me why my small list of examples to our nation's moral decline is not correct.

Because you are only looking at one side of the story. There is more to life than abortions, queer people and religion.

So are you saying that killing viable babies up to birth is not immoral?

That's a lie, all democrats do not support completely unrestricted abortions up to birth. Also I have never voted in my life because I don't agree with any establishment politician in America.

You don't think children having sex is immoral?

I think it's usually not a good thing for various reasons.

You don't think taking illegal drugs is immoral?

No, that one is just a straight up no. Whether something is legal or not does not inherently matter to me at all.

You don't think that having children out of wedlock, not planning on getting married, is a good secure environment for the children?

It depends. Relationships can work just fine without some stupid ceremony or official looking papers.

Do you think two men having sex is the natural way our bodies are designed?

Our bodies weren't designed. If two men want to have sex then I don't really give a flying wanker, let them do what they want as long as they aren't hurting anyone and it's consented to.

Do you think boys who want to dress up as girls should be in our daughter's bathrooms?

I don't know, I try not to think about it to be honest.

If you are fine with these things, then you have proven my point. Non Christians have no moral foundation to draw from. Their value system will drift with the political correct times.

I am very politically incorrect, and I am a super extreme left winger. But I will give you one thing, I don't give a shit about morality in the same way that you do. That's not to say I am totally without a "moral compass", it is just based on empathy and reason rather than any particular system of morality.

The thing is that even if every non-christian was a raving psychopath it would not prove that christianity is correct, there are other explanations such as "humans are naturally selfish and lack sophisticated moral values unless they are taught them and given an incentive to follow them"

2 points

Who cares their genetics, Hitler didn’t.

Yes he did. Hitler was obsessed with Jews being a race, he believed that Jews are naturally evil.

Hitler said it’s idealogy more than genetics.

Nope, he said that their ideology is a result of their breeding.

Hitler just didn’t have enough balls to kill the Jew book

It takes balls to murder a shit load of people. It takes intelligence to "murder" an ideology.

Richard Spencer does have the balls to bring out our Aryan Paganism.

Religion is dumb in general.

4 points

I wonder why that is.

You can barely count your teeth, and you don't have many left after 50 years of moonshine, chewing tobacco and domestic violence.

4 points

Not very interesting watching you molest your mom in front of us all. Why do you molest her and your sister?

CrapWeasel is a very fitting name, seeing as how you are such an intellectually dishonest little weasel and ever since you were created in that underground laboratory run by reptilian Jews there have been major advances in the scientific scatological field of research as a result of studying your DNA.

0 points

In no way is God's existence evidenced by the lack of morality in non-believers, even if I do give you the benefit of the doubt on that highly fallacious statement.

-2 points
1 point

If someone is obsessed with bashing Jews, I assume they are Nazis.

If someone is obsessed with spamming right wing propaganda, I assume they are brainwashed.

If someone is obsessed with defending the ultra rich, I assume they are elitists.

If someone is obsessed with defending Israel, I assume they are a Jew.

If someone is obsessed with using alt accounts to upvote themselves, I assume they have no life.

If someone is obsessed with molesting toddlers, I assume they are Bronto.

1 point

Ancap is more honest than Ancom, about what anarchy is; merciless rule by might and spur-of-the-moment loyalty shifts.

As I already irrefutably pointed out ancap is not even physically possible. ancom is also impossible unless it is the RBE version but it's still more possible than ancap because there is something holding it together other than money and pure self interest. Anarchy does not necessarily mean chaos, although it usually would as things are now. The thing to keep in mind is that governments did not exist for the majority of human history and things worked out, with often semi-socialistic 0 percent capitalist tribal systems. Only now that humans have grown accustomed to the state and socially constructed caste system would it's absence lead to total chaos, because humans no longer know how to live without them.

1 point

On the capitalist farm a person agrees to work for the farmer after agreeing terms.

Again with this stupid capitalist logic. Do you ever wonder why so many people who don't have any money agree to these "entirely voluntary" contracts with people who have lots of money, which entail them working to make people who have lots of money even more money just so they can have a little bit of the profit to keep a roof over their head? It's because it's not actually a voluntary contract, when you don't already have enough money to start your own business you are FORCED to work for someone else to survive unless you want to live in the woods and forage for berries all your life.

Most farmers work harder than their own workers

You got statistics for that? Even if it were true, which it's not, that doesn't change the fact that in the majority of businesses the owner's job is to sit on his fat ass smoking cigars and sipping brandy.

why shouldn’t the farmer make a profit? He’s the one who took it on as a business having bought or inherited the farm.

Because having social construct points or being handed things by your parents does not make you better than everyone else or entitled to own the means of production. If there must be an "owning" class and a "serving" class it should at the very least be based on merit rather than nepotism and/or how well you serve the owners that made you rich enough to join them.

0 points

city dwellers

are stupid because they don't get enough fresh air. All the smog gets to their head, that's why they become liberals.

1 point

It was just a bunch of self aggrandizement and virtue signaling, pretty lame stuff.

1 point

I like your style Darth Sidious. Brutal. but hey, what can I expect from the dark lord of the sith.

0 points

Liberals created ISIS by creating a power vacuum in the middle east and giving weapons to jihadists in the 1980s. That's how they created both Al Qaeda and ISIS.

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