
KrutonHybrid's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of KrutonHybrid's arguments, looking across every debate.

You changed it in your heading to make me look bad

I changed nothing, retard. Not only are you too stupid to spell the words you try to use, but you are too dishonest to admit it when you get caught. Get your stupid fucking nose out of the online insult generator and go back to school.


That's because no one gives a shit

If you didn't give a shit then you wouldn't spend your entire pathetic life on this website forcing your retarded opinions onto other people using a huge variety of different user accounts. I've seen you actually hold conversations between your different accounts just so you can agree with yourself, you stupid inbred pig fucker.

He or she refuses to even debate the better debators out of fear.

You literally can't even spell debater, you stupid fuck. You don't post here because you have any skill at debating. You post here because you have a disproportionately large ego and a series of debilitating mental problems.



The Mahmudiyah rape and killings involved the gang-rape and killing of 14-year-old Iraqi girl Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi and the murder of her family by United States Army soldiers on March 12, 2006. It occurred in the family's house to the southwest of Yusufiyah, a village to the west of the town of Al-Mahmudiyah, Iraq. Others of al-Janabi's family killed included her 34-year-old mother Fakhriyah Taha Muhasen, 45-year-old father Qassim Hamza Raheem, and six-year-old sister Hadeel Qassim Hamza Al-Janabi rapeand_killings

There is more common sense in the little finger of the average Brit, than in your entire idiotic country combined. Here you are, slagging off Brits for having no common sense, while many of you morons believe guns are the solution to gun violence, climate change is a hoax invented by Al Gore, and black people cause crime.

The entire extent of your baseless defence in these matters is calling the other guy mean names. You are a country stuffed to the brim with complete idiots, and you, FactMachine, are at the very top of this bizarre pyramid of stupid.

Look.. I know you wanna BE Jewish

Oh sure buddy. The only reason I'm trying to educate you about the difference between religion and race is because I'm secretly jealous of the race which doesn't exist that you keep insisting you are a part of. Good one, you fucking intellectually backward imbecile.

We've also been around for 4,000 years LONGER than Christians

So if Christianity was 4,000 years older it would be a race?

You are just being fucking stupid, buddy. See you later.

they are dedicated to replacing democracy and Christianity

Ah, I see. Christianity is democratic is it? That must be why The Bible tells Christians to slaughter homosexuals, non-believers, followers of different faiths, fortune tellers, witches, insolent children and adulterers.

In my company, the people who make ME the most money, make THEMSELVES a lot of money too

But you are completely surplus to the equation. They'd make a lot more money if parasites like you didn't exist who steal the sweat from their backs.

you have NO culture outside of your religion. Jews do.

Jews are followers of Judaism, you hopelessly ignorant twit. Religion is what defines Jews. Do you know many Christian atheists? Do you know many Muslim atheists? Do you know many Hindu atheists? Do you know many Pagan atheists?

You are so infuriatingly stupid and offensive.

I'm 97% Ashkenazi Jewish

Listen to me you stupid fucking bastard: JEWISH IS NOT A RACE. Ashkenazis are the descendants of Europeans, just like I am a descendant of Europeans.

First off, I DON'T think that it is..

So you think rapists usually have liberal attitudes and approve of women's rights etc...?

Tbh, you tend to get confused about a lot of things, which is why you believe you're a Jewish atheist.

0 points

You say you have read more science books in your life then ancient scriptures. It shows!

Are you even aware that you just complimented him?

You no good follower of reason and logic.

Nobody telling us that flooding our people and lands with non-english speaking, uneducated, third world migrants won't make our country a cartel and gang centered society.

Hi, you dumb fuck. I have a question.

If you won't keep your soldiers out of their countries then why should they keep their refugees out of yours?

How do you suppose they feel about non-English speaking, uneducated Americans invading their homes, killing their families, and calling it freedom?

KrutonHybrid(71) Clarified
1 point

Have you ever owned a pet?

So are you saying you get the urge to be a father to creatures which are not even the same species?

God, you're just so stupid.

0 points

Work smart' and earn more.

This is conservative language for "sit on your big fat overprivileged arse and make money off everybody else's labour". Parasites like you are the reason communism was invented.

KrutonHybrid(71) Clarified
1 point

Your sex drive is but a part of your biological drive to self-propagate. One's paternal and maternal instincts are another part of this drive.

You only get "paternal" and "maternal" instincts once you have kids you dopey fuck. Are you saying you get the urge to be a father to random small children?

Honestly Winston, you say the most stupid things. You are so busy trying to complicate your language that you rarely see the utter stupidity in the thinking which catalyses it.

0 points

Facts are facts, and scientific facts of biology shows that our bodies are designed for sex between a man and woman.

If bodies are not designed for sex between a man and a man, then could you please explain how so many gay men manage to have sex?

Facts are facts, and you are a filthy insane bigot.

Is this question for real?

Has anybody ever tried to make the argument to you that life is fair?

Life is not fair because capitalism is not fair. You might work harder than everybody else for twenty years but still lose your promotion to a friend of the bosses' family. Capitalism is a system which respects nothing except power. It is barely a step up from a monarchy.

America has by far the largest economy in the world.

America also has by far the most amount of people in jail in the world. Therefore, by your own insane Cold War logic, capitalism causes crime.

Socialism would have no rich regular citizens

That is because the definition of rich is having more than everybody else. You are so fundamentally stupid and ignorant, you actually believe it is a bad thing that other people will not have more than you do.

you'd still be fucking poor

God, you are just so incredibly stupid. So where does all the extra money go?? If there are suddenly no rich people, and everyone is poor, then where does all the wealth go which was previously being hoarded by the rich people?

You are incapable of thinking anything through properly because you literally are a fucking IDIOT. That is why you post here on a dozen different accounts: because you are a fucking IDIOT.

And created the largest economy by far in human history.

Bullshit. You are deliberately confusing capitalism with the industrial revolution and trying to deceive people into believing they are the same thing. Economies grow when cheaper technology is introduced on a widespread scale. For example, the economy of Russia grew steadily under communism, as this graph proves:-

The Soviet Union: GDP growth

Basically, you are distorting reality.

Most gang members are immigrants.


Most rapists are white.

STudies show that children need loving parents. Their sexes are unimportant.

Although I detest militant Christianity (and in particular some of the idiots arguing with you) I must respectfully disagree that the sex of adoptive parents is "unimportant". There is a side to humanity which is viciously cruel and that side becomes apparent during childhood. A child with gay parents is going to face fairly heavy bullying and that is simply the reality of the matter. It can't be deemed fair to knowingly subject a small child to this.

I dealt with rats in my house about two years ago. Surprisingly, they were very cute looking little things. Not at all the monsters people have come to fear.

Anyway, we tried all the traditional things as you have. Nothing worked. Save yourself a lot of time and remove their food supply. If they are coming into your house it is to acquire food. Find out what they are eating, take it away and the problem will quickly resolve itself.

Nom, do you realize that you are easily 4x's more active on this Forum than I am?

For what is easily the third or fourth time, I am NOT this "Nomenclature" person you keep insisting that I am.

This comment is a bit "out there"

It's a bit "out there" because you are too stupid to comprehend its significance. Let me break it down for you in a manner that a 6 year old would understand.

If everybody masturbates then calling Billy Jenkins a wanker makes you a hypocrite.

If everybody is a hypocrite then calling Billy Jenkins a hypocrite makes you a hypocrite.

KrutonHybrid(71) Clarified
1 point

This is largely true

It is in no way true, because both previous world wars involved public declarations of war between the major economic powers of their time.

Shut up mate.

I support mostly everything you said in your post and would second it.

That's because you're an idiot who spends all day trying to forge alliances with other idiots, in the vain hope they will stroke your ego and pretend you have something worth saying.

That is, of course Democrats are (overwhelmingly) hypocrites because (nearly) all of us are hypocrites, to varying degrees

So, in other words, when one of your school friends was being publicly ridiculed for masturbating, you were one of those jeering at him for being a "dirty wanker".

If everybody masturbates, then attacking someone for masturbating makes YOU a hypocrite, not them. The same applies to your charge of hypocrisy, and by your very own logic.

This is demonstrably not true.

No it isn't, otherwise you would demonstrate it.

Instead of demonstrating it, you simply follow up with a further baseless statement:-

The current war that radical Islamic jihadists are waging with the stated goal of world conquest, is about the conflict between Western liberal democratic ideals and a particularly conservative interpretation of the Quran and the Hadith.

Ahahahahahahaha! Are you even aware that "radical Islam" is a creation of those same "liberal democratic ideals"? In fact, whose side are you even on in the first place?? Because I've just watched you berate liberalism!!

When the Russians invaded Afghanistan in the late 1970s, a plan was formed by the American CIA to create a proxy war using local soldiers. The plan involved militarising Islamic rhetoric and merging it together with local feudal tradition. The very thing you are complaining about was created on purpose by those trying to promote American interests abroad, and now you want to mythologise it as the evil in a war between good vs evil?? It is amazing, AMAZING, that you can still find people who are stupid enough to fall for the sickening tirade of bullshit which liars and/or historical revisionists like you promote.

Of course they are hypocrites

Excuse me, but it is a little bit difficult to believe that you launch an ad hominem, and then literally a minute later complain about ad hominem. If calling someone retarded is an ad hominem then so is calling them a hypocrite. In fact, this entire thread is a generalised ad hominem attack against Liberals.

I find you utterly bizarre Marcus, because like every American Conservative you have absolutely indefensible double standards. You will complain about liberals doing things which you are infinitely more guilty of than they are. It's pathetic.

There is in fact a lot of continuity on this front. In fact, this is why people such as Newton so often wrote/thought about religious ideas

What you have written is the opposite of continuity because you never gave us the "why" which you bizarrely refer to. I pointed out that you were redefining religious beliefs as philosophy, and you have responded by talking about Newton. Newton has absolutely nothing to do with you redefining religious beliefs as philosophy, unless you are saying he made the same mistake and you are just copying him.

Is that what you are saying?

There is in fact a lot of continuity on this front

Wtf? Let other people decide what they identify themselves as. You do not have the right to arbitrarily redefine what anybody else thinks or believes, and if you weren't such an idiot you would understand that.

And wtf is "nomenclature"?

KrutonHybrid(71) Clarified
1 point

They are religious in the sense that they do not necessarily strictly hold to materialism

Materialism is a school of philosophy, and I have just established for you that religion is not the same thing as philosophy. Please read the things which you reply to.

You are just writing words which you think sound impressive when placed next to each other. They are not joined together by any coherent or structured argument. A conversation with you is quite literally pointless, because all you are interested in doing is pretending that you understand what you are talking about.

Now, I know of quite a few reasonably-highly intelligent & educated people that subscribe to some form of religious belief (or perhaps more accurately, quasi-religious beliefs), although their type of belief typically takes a very different form then that of the general publics as to nearly be an entirely different "game".

rather, they often contend that their (quasi)religious beliefs are in fact a sort of Philosophical Theory

You are literally prattling on about nothing. You honestly couldn't make a point if your life depended on it. Are these people religious or are they not religious? Because you don't seem to be able to make your mind up. They claim to be religious, but you claim them to be philosophers. The problem is philosophy is the study of reason and faith is the opposite of reason. Hence, everything you have thus far said contradicts itself.

All of these things will be true in the end according to the Bible.

Prophecies don't constitute evidence anywhere outside the screaming abyss of madness that you pull your opinions out of. Shut up.

I don't know if this is what OP is referring to, but there is a fantastic book called The Sane Society, by Erich Fromm, which analyses this exact question.

The U.S. is the size of 50 countries

Size and population are two completely different things, you stupid deceitful Nazi. He's talking about number of believers and you're talking about geographical land area.

4 points

Music is a time creature.

Music isn't a creature. Are you insane?

Argumentum ad dictionarium?

I don't even know what that is. You implied a newborn is still a parasite and I used the dictionary to show you why you are wrong.

Besides which, an argumentum ad dictonarium is significantly more likely to be correct than an argumentum ad latin. When you are wrong, you don't suddenly become correct by using a language which has been dead for thousands of years.

KrutonHybrid(71) Clarified
1 point

though the baby still is completely reliant on someone to keep it alive.

The concept you seem to be missing here (either deliberately or through lack of intellect) is choice. A fetus does not give a mother a choice about what it takes from her.

KrutonHybrid(71) Clarified
1 point

The argument you seem to be making is that the baby is dependent on it's mother for life and is inflicting a cost upon the mother

The dictionary is making the argument. A fetus is a parasite and a newborn is not.

Also, there is no possessive form of "it". If you want people to talk to you like they would talk to an intelligent person, then firstly please learn the basic rules of your own native language.

Bronto is trying to take advantage of the myth that Muslims were responsible for 9/11. He knows full well that they were not.

The big problem for bronto's attempt to deceive people is that Dawkins, in the quote used, concedes the obvious. The WTC buildings were blown up. They didn't collapse because of pancakes. Someone blew them up.

So now you have to explain where fundamentalist Muslims obtained the specific type and quantity of explosives used to blow up 3 WTC buildings (military grade nanothermite according to professor Harrit's 2009 study), and how they smuggled all of that past WTC security.

The company in charge of WTC security, incidentally, was run by George W Bush's cousin. Before that, it had been run by his brother.

Christianity is not a global domination scheme.

Then why does the Bible order its followers to slaughter everybody who worships a different God? It is very specific in this. In fact, there is one Bible verse in particular in which God orders every inhabitant of every city in which a worshipper of other Gods is discovered, to be put to death:-

Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it. Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)

A global domination scheme is exactly what Christianity is. It isn't all it is, but for the cynically minded this phrase could actually be used as a definition.

KrutonHybrid(71) Clarified
0 points

Is a baby outside the womb the same, given that it also cannot survive without constant support?

No. The dictionary defines a parasite as:-

an organism which lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense.

0 points


Until birth a fetus is a parasite which cannot survive without a host.

2 points

Liberals do not "call everyone Nazis" so you are already lying before you have even started.

What you don't like is that Liberals make many justified comparisons between the alt-right and the Nazis. Rather than address their concerns about the alt-right, you instead misrepresent them to try to make them look paranoid and/or stupid, which is exactly what the Nazis did to their own opposition until they had accumulated enough unilateral power to execute them.

The inventor of Godwin's Law personally called members of the alt right Nazis.

THAT is irony, since he invented the concept you are trying to appeal to.

How can a piece of land be hypocritical, you gigantic idiot?

The biggest hypocrite on this forum, by far, is you.

3 points

Your question doesn't even make any sense. The fourth dimension is time, so you are basically asking do time creatures exist.

I don't think you understand what you are talking about, tbh.

KrutonHybrid(71) Clarified
1 point

That’s baseless

Ahahahahahaha! You are the one who made the baseless claim you fucking retard. Pointing out that things don't like to be eaten is as far from baseless as it is possible to get. Get out of my thread you intellectually impaired moron.

We are literally the only animal that cares at all how our food feels.

You're completely full of shit. If you cared at all about the animals you eat then clearly you wouldn't be eating them in the first place! As usual, all your claims are perfect contradictions of themselves.

Almost every country on your great countries list stems from historical Christian dominance and is still majority Christian.

And almost every country on your shithole countries list is Islamic.

Please Bronto, stop lying for once in your idiotic life. You're a stupid bigoted nitwit. Almost every single shithole in Africa is Christian: Ethiopia, Zambia, Liberia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Congo, Cameroon, Angola, Gabon, Burundi, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Mozambique, Uganda, Sudan, Tanzania, Lesotho, Botswana, Nambia, Swaziland, Ghana and Benin. All Christian shitholes.

2 points

The black clouds of economic doom are gathering as the Brexit deadline approaches.

Given that Brexit was a far right idea, and given that you are also on the far right, a person might be tempted to ask why you find fucking up an entire country to be amusing?

KrutonHybrid(71) Clarified
0 points

Don't under estimate the strength and courage of Christians.

Don't underestimate the strength and courage of those you try to indoctrinate with your mad nonsense. I seem to remember that you lost the crusades.

No, it isn't funny. What is funny is that you keep insisting you can't be Nazis because you want to gas Muslims instead of Jews. You try to inflate and distort this one small difference into some kind of major stumbling block to the patently obvious fact that you are evil racist bastards.

Where did the field come from?

He answered this in the very statement of his you quoted, you illiterate nappy face.

Conservatives aren't committing mass crime

Yes they are you complete idiot. The only reason you don't know about it is because they scream bloody murder about blacks robbing liquor stores every time someone points out their own white collar crimes. Morons like you are exactly how Conservatives get away with so much. They use your prejudice and racism to manipulate you and because you're a moron you let them do it.

In 2003, Conservatives launched a CRIMINAL war in Iraq which killed nearly a million people. But you just keep talking about that carjacking you saw two poor black teenagers commit last month, you dumb bag of shit.

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