
LizardKahn's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of LizardKahn's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Wokeness funnels people towards beliefs and categories of people known for ultra high levels of depression and suicide. It needs to die a quick death. It itself is the problem.

1 point

I actually don't think the original Brontoraptor is even on the site anymore. Nom is chasing ghosts.

1 point

Nevermind. I thought I was going to learn something and possibly see something that would concern me, and then the leftist reporter says "it seems like it could be a QAnon song", and then I listen, and it's just some regular song. And then she says the crowd acts like they're at a church service and as if Trump is a messianic figure. And then I watch it, and it doesn't look like a church service but like any normal political rally. Thanks for wasting my time.

1 point

The media lies, twists and leaves context out of every anti right wing story, so you're going to have to explain to me what a QAnon song is and why only the left seems to be experts on it.

1 point

If it was, it was so the West could deplete the rest of the world's oil. Alaska has enough oil to supply the US for 10,000 years.

1 point

Insults on others just don't hit very hard when you're a fat, bald, white guy who claims to have white privilege yet still cannot keep up with minorities.

1 point

Look, the fat, little retarded boy went mute when no one accepted his Marxist source as authoritative. He just went to nuclear dumbfounded mode. It's just fucking hysterical to watch the smoke come out of his ears when "but a Marxist said" didn't mean dick to anyone, and he had to actually form an argument and went blank.

1 point

The left has done 10,000 investigations and media hit pieces on him, and no crime. No convictions. What does that tell you? If someone told me something was going to happen soon every day for 6 years, I would conclude that they were completely full of shit.

1 point

No, Mao's policies were responsible for the deaths of approximately 45 million Chinese peasants.

This is you admitting that Communist regimes are glad to murder the poor by the tens of millions.

Also, Chinese life expectancy increased drastically under Mao

In other words, you gladly support genocide if life expectancy goes up for those not murdered, even if you would wind up being one of the people murdered because it's for the common good of life expectancy for the few chosen people that get to live. How does the concept of the chosen get to live while millions are murdered make you any different in world philosophy than Adolf Hitler?

1 point

He didn't want to mess with the Russians before his military was powerful enough so he created a non-aggression pact with them and they both went into Poland separately.

To simplify your statement, the National Socialists and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics created a socialist pact of which they both invaded a right wing country.

1 point

Private capital in Germany under Hitler outperformed private capital in America under Roosevelt.

This is either you not knowing that Communist and Socialist countries use Capitalism to fund themselves because socialism funds nothing and is an inferior fiscal model, or it's you being intentionally full of shit by omitting that Hitler demonized Capitalism. The only question here is in which way exactly are you full of shit?

For all his bluster, Hitler loved capitalism because it powered the German military machine.

What powered the Soviet military machine?

1 point

Look.. The disdain you have for people of color can easily slip into mass murder

Now that's a laugh. Your party had the chance to allow brown people from Cuba by the millions into the country and declined. You're for Democrats, not brown people. No one is more racist than a white Democrat looking at Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Allen West, Mia Love, Thomas Sowel, etc. Did your witch queen known as Nancy Pelosi not just declare that brown people are here to pick the crops? Ah, that's right. She did.

Have you ever noticed that you keep telling us what the right is gonna do one day, and then the Democrats actually do it? Trump's gonna get us into a nuclear war. Republicans are gonna use a pandemic to force us to take big pharma's drugs. Trump's gonna cause a recession. Trump's gonna weaponize the FBI against his political opponents. And then Democrats did every one of those things

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