
LizardKahn's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of LizardKahn's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

In its simplest form, Trump took state secrets to his house in Mara lago, and you can't DO that.. We just want 'em back. They're OURS - NOT his.

Yet no one has reported what you just said as if it were a fact. Only that he was raided "just in case he did". Nothing NAZIesque or third world about that use of logic. No, not at all.

If he doesn't give 'em back, he should go to jail for mishandling STATE SECRETS.. What? You LIKE spreading our state secrets around????

So Hillary should have went to jail. Next Republican President now has been given the authority by the left to go into the homes of any ex Democrat politicians unexpectedly and unannounced with guns drawn.

1 point

Which is more important, Excon protecting rich, corrupt, Democrat politicians who seem interested in a police state, or them one day raiding people like his son's home for wrong think regardless of evidence of a crime? Looks like he chooses the police state. Why? Drugs, or he's just evil. No sane, sober person chooses corrupt, rich men in suits over their offspring.

2 points

The question I have, is do you agree with that commie sonofabitch?

Which one. Biden or Xi Jinping? I thought you said it was the orange man who'd get us into a war. No? Duuuuuuuuuuuuude!!!!!!

1 point

The fact that you never respond to a plethora of about 50 topics shows that you know the left is fucked up on those issues but are gonna pretend you are confused as to why the rest of us don't want to be Democrats anyway.

1 point

Globalism allows companies to subvert paying taxes by being able to move offshore. You say you want more taxes while voting the party that promotes globalism and just made big pharma record profits off of a virus that they funded the creation of. The party you vote for offshored the creation of our medication to China, and when the pandemic hit, they literally turned their ships with medicine around and didn't send it here. That is the full embodiment of a "useful idiot". And in fact, you're so useful that they now have you paying $5 for gas, double for food, are offshoring tax dollars to foreign countries, are sending manufacturing offshore, are grooming kids, have destroyed the cities they control causing you to flee, and you're just begging them and pleading for them to lead you some more. That's stupidity on steroids.

And yet here you are, still unable to actually address the topic of the debate. That means that not only is your position on the actual topic inferior, but that you know that it's inferior.

2 points

they HAD the mid-terms IN the bag

The Democrats have fallen in the polls since abortion was given back to the states. What's your point? That starving people are more worried about food than whether Democrats can kill black babies in their white supremacy centers called Planned Parenthood?

1 point

But, if YOU have something you wish me to consider, post away....

I wish for you to consider the short video showing what the left has become. I assume you won't watch it because seeing it would disturb your comfortability with the Democratic Party, and that is a scary thought for someone who's belief in the Democratic Party is what has given them purpose and meaning through all of these years.

1 point

I'm not interested in seeing that..

Of course you aren't. It depicts a modern left that in no way resembles the Democratic Party that you depict. If you watched it, you'd have to face the fact that the modern left doesn't resemble the Democratic Party that you describe in your arguments.

1 point

If you're interested in my views, just ask me..

What are your views on this short video?

1 point

I don't agree with ANYTHING the video says..

That would mean you have denounced the left.

1 point

Am I like you?? Sure.. Obama wasn't my cup of tea, but he WASN'T McCain

1)While the left now worships the establishment war mongerer known as John McCain.

2)You just admitted Obama was trash. So why would I vote Democrat again?

1 point

Gore, the inventor of the internet, WASN'T my choice either, but, he was a hell of a lot better than the war mongering, torturing, president Bush.

1)The left now worships Bush.

2)Explain to me the difference between Bush and Biden.

3)If you hate war mongering, you would have voted for Trump. Instead you voted for Bush's twin brother Joe Biden, the atypical establishment war mongerer set to make lobbyists for weapons manufacturers happy.

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