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Trumps TREACHEROUS behavior Oh, the dick pics, of course
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 Trumps TREACHEROUS behavior (5)
 Oh, the dick pics, of course (5)

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excon(18262) pic

Which is more important? Trump hiding away classified docs, or Hunter Bidens dick pics?

Trumps TREACHEROUS behavior

Side Score: 5

Oh, the dick pics, of course

Side Score: 5
1 point

Which is more important? Trump hiding away classified docs, or Hunter Bidens dick pics?

Hello ex:

If you were looking for a slam dunk conviction of our former president, this is it.. His other investigations require proof of INTENT, and that's gonna be HARD to prove..

But, the removal of classified documents from the White House is easy.. Intent not required. Trump either HAD those documents in his possession, or he DIDN'T.

Now, some of you will say that as president, Trump had the power to declassify any document he wanted, which is true.. But, a FORMER president doesn't HAVE that power, and IF they were de-classified, they would be MARKED as such.

So, if ANY of 'em still bear the CLASSIFIED stamp, he's GUILTY as hell.

That's it.


Side: Trumps TREACHEROUS behavior
LordSauron(332) Disputed
1 point

But, the removal of classified documents from the White House is easy.. Intent not required. Trump either HAD those documents in his possession, or he DIDN'T.

Hillary had the classified documents and on an illegal server. The Democrats nor you gave a shit.

So, if ANY of 'em still bear the CLASSIFIED stamp, he's GUILTY as hell.

Hahaha! They didn't know before the raid? That's called a totalitarian police state banana republic there genius. Can we go raid Obama just for the giggles of it if a Republican gets elected? Looks like we can now there Adolf. Do you ever think this shit out? All of the shit you claimed we are in danger of Trump doing, Democrats actually did. You're the NAZIs in this story. It's you. Your fake Salem witch trial didn't work, censorship didn't work, so now you're gonna send in the brown shirts to knock down peoples' doors. You're now the party of lockdowns, artificially bankrupting small businesses, mask mandates, arresting people for being maskless, censorship, shut down domestic oil production to turn around and by foreign oil and sell ours to our enemies, and our new police state that targets political opponents. You must be proud. The Democratic Party has fallen many a miles since JFK and Carter.

Side: Oh, the dick pics, of course
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hillary had the classified documents and on an illegal server. The Democrats nor you gave a shit.

Hello L:

So, IF Hillary were a traitor, we should excuse Trump from being one too??

Dude! That's NUTS!!!!


PS: I capitalized IF, because if I didn't, you'd accuse me of admitting that Hillary did the deed, which, in the language I speak, I'm clearly NOT doing..

Side: Trumps TREACHEROUS behavior
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

They didn't know before the raid? That's called a totalitarian police state banana republic

Hello L:

Oh, they knew.. It's called getting an independent witness who SWEARS out an affidavit, under penalty of perjury, WHAT documents Trump has and WHERE they are stored..

Then with the sworn affidavit, the FBI needs to convince an INDEPENDENT US Magistrate that there's probable cause to believe that a crime was committed BEFORE he issues a search warrant..

That's called good police work. And, it wasn't reserved for Trump either.. The drug dealer on the corner gets the same treatment..

Bwa ha ha ha ha..


PS: You must HATE it that a guy like me KNOWS the law.

Side: Trumps TREACHEROUS behavior
1 point

Which is more important, Excon protecting rich, corrupt, Democrat politicians who seem interested in a police state, or them one day raiding people like his son's home for wrong think regardless of evidence of a crime? Looks like he chooses the police state. Why? Drugs, or he's just evil. No sane, sober person chooses corrupt, rich men in suits over their offspring.

Side: Trumps TREACHEROUS behavior
1 point

Which is more important? Trump hiding away classified docs, or Hunter Bidens dick pics?

Hunter Biden's emails about his father's treasonous and illegal activities with the Chinese Communist Party at the expense of America for under the table money.

Side: Trumps TREACHEROUS behavior
1 point

By dick pics you left out the parts where Joe Biden sold us out to China. You think the pictures are what the right is arguing about. I'll bet $500 that you don't even know what's in those emails.

Side: Oh, the dick pics, of course
1 point

Is there any part of Orwell's "1984", Brave New World or V for Vendetta that the Democrats' have not yet fulfilled? I'd be interested to know.

Side: Oh, the dick pics, of course