
Merlin13's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Merlin13's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

Possibly mouth to nares instead, because mouth to beak could be dangerous if the bird was to clamp down while reviving.

2 points

; )

1 point

It's a big friend when applying the brake after spotting that state trooper.

1 point

That could be dangerous, if left up to me.

1 point

I agree! The best way to get a teenager to do something is to tell them that they can't do it. Besides, relationships can mean several different things. Does this debate mean sex when referring to relationships?

1 point

What can I do to make it up to you?

3 points

My mistake, I made the mistake of assuming it was true because of the debate and previous rumors. They are just trying to force the companies to build more energy efficient bulbs. I did not mean to dispute you but it won't let me switch back to support.

3 points

Yes, not only because the fluorescent bulbs have mercury but because the quality of light is so bad.

1 point

Sorry, I've been AWOL so often lately that I didn't notice. I know, a real shot to the ego! lol

1 point

Damn, it's been so long that I wasn't aware they moved it!

2 points

I'm a member of PETA...People Eating Tasty Animals.

2 points

Love is more important. I've had high paying jobs but was unhappy. And I'm still looking for the right love. But I still value that over money.

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