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Polaris95(239) Clarified
1 point

So that our opinions, actions and thoughts aren't changed/corrupted by superstition and blind faith. This is no offense to Christians or any other supporters of religion. But without religion, we wouldn't have done the Crusades, millions of people would have been spared from religiously incited genocide and war, and science and technology would be much further ahead than it is now. Religion has caused some good things, but this isn't much compared to the destruction and death that has been done in the name of god.

1 point

Well Bronto, brainwashing is what you Christians do best... ;-)

But seriously, I don't support brainwashing children. If I ever have children, I will let them believe in what they want. And that's why I voted yes.

1 point

Education is the key. For example, in countries and states where there is no Sex Ed, people are more prone to catching STDs and having teenage pregnancies. If people aren't taught about the effects of drugs, they won't know what they're getting into.

2 points

As long it doesn't harm anyone, then yes, everyone should be able to believe in what they want. Even though a world without religion would be better, not letting people have their own beliefs would be against free speech.

2 points

Obstruction of Justice, Sexual harassment, Russia meddling with the votes, those should be enough to impeach him.

1 point

I personally would probably have a bit of an identity crisis, and would start questioning my entire existence. But everyone would react differently.

2 points

Thanks, that was very funny (and true). Sorry that you were banned. It was just harmless joke, I don't get why she banned you.

1 point

Well said. If god is kind and loving, then why would he make all atheists go to hell because we didn't believe in him. If the Christian god wanted people to believe in him, then why not show himself, and dispel all doubt?

1 point

Again, these are just random bible quotes. If you explained what they're supposed to mean in the context of this debate, then that would be much better.

Polaris95(239) Clarified
1 point

But they're screaming at Trump, not a hypothetical god. Unless you think Trump is a god, which would just be stupid.

2 points

Saved from what, exactly? Could you please specify. There are a million things that we might need saving from. An asteroid? A genetically modified disease that will wipe out humanity?

1 point

I know it says "yes" underneath my argument, but it should say no. For some reason if you clarify an argument it automatically makes your post have the same view as the post you're clarifying.

P.S. Could you fix this Andy?

Polaris95(239) Clarified
1 point

According to "the state in which access to rights and opportunities is unaffected by gender." That's pretty much most people's definition of it.

1 point

If he knew she was going to awake from her coma if he kissed her, then it's fine.

2 points

If you think about other people's feelings before saying things to them, that goes a long way. And as Excon said, treat people how you'd like to be treated. We're all human.

1 point

And I'm also counting homosexual relationships here. The same for both heterosexuals and homosexuals.

1 point

No, the husband isn't the head of the wife. I believe every person has a level of autonomy over themselves, and in a relationship, the 2 people involved should be on equal footing. Unless, the husband is his wife's boss at work, then the husband shouldn't have more power than the wife.

1 point

Bet a 16-year old planning on doing a school shooting would rather just buy a gun at the store down the road than go searching the dark web for suppliers.

Polaris95(239) Clarified
1 point

Because a few liberals want unrestricted abortion, doesn't mean most of them do. I personally feel that it has to be in the early stages (the first month) and with a logical reason. And on hunting, I genuinely feel that it is inhumane if you hunt for sport. While shooting birds or fishing is better than fox-hunting, you're still killing a living animal. If I were to hunt an animal for sport, I would definitely be left with a guilty conscience.

I don't hate the right. I agree with the more moderate right-wingers on a few subjects, and being a right-winger doesn't make you worse or better as a person. I just feel that many viewpoints taken by some conservatives are just backward-minded. I don't hate the Right, I just disagree with it.

Polaris95(239) Clarified
1 point

I don't know much about hunting rifles, so you're probably right about the scope thing. I have never hunted in my life, and I hope I never have to. I can buy all the food I need in a supermarket, so why would I need to? All I know is that there are differences between a hunting rifle and an assault rifle.

But why would you need a hunting rifle for home protection? Wouldn't a handgun be better? And in this day and age, is hunting really necessary, when you have supermarkets everywhere. Hunting for sport is just another form of barbarism in my opinion. Why not do that in a video game, where no animals get hurt, but you still have fun doing it? People should be able to own hunting rifles if they have a license, but you need to question why you even want to own one.

1 point

Probably not. Definitely not ALL students. If you have a physical disorder that prevents you from doing exercise, then you shouldn't have to do PE.

1 point

Prove what? That cloning is morally wrong? I can't, that is just my personal opinion. You cannot prove if something is right or wrong, it is just your own subjective view, which is mostly dictated by the societal norms.

Or are you asking if I can prove that a god doesn't exist? I can't. It is impossible to prove a negative. Try proving that the flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist. I just know that there is absolutely nothing to suggest that a god or higher power exists.

1 point

Yes. Your reaction time generally decreases the older you become, so it can be very dangerous for an 80-year old to drive a car on the streets.

2 points

It's probably the most fair system created so far. Instead of the individualistic mindset of capitalism, socialism is much more profitable for the country as a whole, not just a select few.

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