
SlapShot's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of SlapShot's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Who cares about the rumba? It's not sexy.

Spanish is spoken too rapid fire and staccato to be considered sexy. I often find it annoying.

French and Italian are both far sexier. Hell, so is English with a British accent.

I have a female coworker who speaks Afrikaans. She also makes that sound sexy. It's like a cross between French and German.

The least sexy languages are the gook dialects like Chinese and Vietnamese. Arabic is pretty bad too on the sexy meter.


SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point


You're a confused little girl who knows shit bout politics.

You cannot be anti choice and call youself a liberal. You also cannot be a feminist and be anti choice.

And a fetus or an embryo is not a baby. And it IS part of the mother. Ever hear of the umbilical cord? Ever heard of intra uterine? The embryo or fetus is technically and biologically closer to a parasite than a human being. Humans do not live inside others. Parasites do. Embyos do.

Human beings have brains that weigh three pounds. Fetuses have proto brains the size of a walnut, and that's in the third trimester!

You're in overvyour head here, little girl. Better quit while you're behind.



1 point

Many mental health professionals see religious fervor as madness!!

2 points

The God of the old testament certainly was a megalomaniac. Worse, even.

He was a petty, cruel, murderous, jealous, baby killing, loathsome, capricious, jealous douche nozzle.

On a good day.



SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

Guess you didn't see my rant on Muslims with that twit Sitara?

Again....the skill with which you seem NOT to pay attention to my posts continues to amaze me. I have criticized Islam many times. Ask anybody.

Or...this one, from which I will now paste the following. It's from my post on the debate: "Is there any difference between God and Allah?"


Not one iota of difference.



They're both nothing more than imaginary BFFs invented by two different peoples. Both of whom were tired of getting their collective asses handed to them thru wars and oppressions and enslavements.

So what to do? Oh my!!!

I got it!

Invent a badass sky God that is better and stronger than yours!!

Like little kids.....

Nya nya God is better than yours is!!!

Pretty fucking hilarious if you ask me.

The history of mankind is rife with mythology and superstition.

All of it salve for the bedraggled and perplexed homo sapien mind.


Just two examples of that dynamic.



1 point

Well then, congrats!!

You have achieved your goal!

From all are indeed crazy!



1 point


2 points

Abortion should be allowed under ANY circumstance the mother wishes. And that includes 3rd trimester.


SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

No you don't.

Since you are anti-choice, you are against equal rights for women who want to have an abortion. know not what you are, politically.


1 point

India was the Jewel in the Crown.

Tis a land of baffling paradoxes.

A land of wisdom.

And ignorance.

Of beauty.

And horror.

A mystical land!

A strange and perplexing land.

You either love itvor hate it, if you go there.

In that aspect, it's like Africa.

I will discuss India with you anytime.


0 points


Not one iota of difference.



They're both nothing more than imaginary BFFs invented by two different peoples. Both of whom were tired of getting their collective asses handed to them thru wars and oppressions and enslavements.

So what to do? Oh my!!!

I got it!

Invent a badass sky God that is better and stronger than yours!!

Like little kids.....

Nya nya God is better than yours is!!!

Pretty fucking hilarious if you ask me.

The history of mankind is rife with mythology and superstition.

All of it salve for the bedraggled and perplexed homo sapien mind.


Just two examples of that dynamic.



1 point

I'm an ex hockey player and consider myself as hetero and macho as they come.

Several years ago when I was playing for UM I had a black eye from a high stick in a game against Minnesota. After the game, the next day, I had a date. A first date. Blind date with a woman my sister assured me was super hot.

So, wanting to look my best, my sis talked me into letting her apply make up to my black and purple cheekbone and eye. She did a great job and my date never noticed.

1 point

None of them have come true.

You are insane.

You JW's are spooky people.


your bio has a quote from you that says this........

"Common Sense is a Value"

Which baffles me, since you with your deluded and quasi-psychotic beliefs are the person on this entire site who is MOST bereft of common sense.

So....what the fuck is up with that?



SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

Yep. We did end up killing more of them than they did us.

They fucked up, amigo.

They started it. We finished it.

They rattled the Big Dog's cage and got bit.



1 point




These sort of juvenile rants make me so sleepy. They are mundane and tiresome.

Did I say Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?

Need to get a cup of coffee.....


0 points

You still here, douche nozzle?

Thought you were gonna do us all a favor and split?


Oh....GoCart is correct, BTW. If you look at the entire political spectrum from right to left, Democrats and Republicans ARE in the middle, to the immediate left and right, respectively, of the center point.

See.......Nationalism or a Totalitarian Fascist regimeceould be extreme Right, along with an Iran style Theocracy, while communism and Socialism would sit on the far left. And in truth, Obama never really got close to Socialism in its purest sense.

Some will tell you that Anarchism is at the far left of the spectrum, but since that term denotes a total eradication of ANY form of government, this in not accurate.

Hope this helps. Maybe you should take a Poli Sci class?


1 point

I think you meant to ask us if God is a megalomaniac.

What is a melanomaniac? Somebody who is obsessed with tanning? LOL.

The God of the old testament certainly was a megalomaniac. Worse, even.

He was a petty, cruel, murderous, jealous, baby killing, loathsome, capricious, jealous douche nozzle.

On a good day.



1 point

I would not go so far as to call him good, but he killed far less than Yahweh did.

I also think his ideas on eugenics had some merit. I love the idea of a perfect master race. I love it more everyday as I witness the Browning of America.

Germany under Hitler would have never got browned. Nor would it have endured the burdens our minorities put on us in America. Violence, ghettos, muders, inflated welfare roles, etc.


1 point

Not in my country they shouldn't, you stupid little sniveling twat.

Remind me, retard....who was that who attacked us and killed thousands on 9/11?

Who was it that tried to kill me and my brothers over in Tikrit?

I sure am glad I got to kill me some ragheads. Hope I get another chance some day. I almost hope those camel tickets DO protest when they have to get banned so my Army Reserve unitvwill be activated and we can kill some more!


1 point

I am indeed smarter than your God.

Any day of the week.

And twice on Sunday.


What a douche.

And, I dunno, man, but so far as being stupid?

I gotta go with a dude who makes an offensive and juvenile and groundless debate. And then bans himself from it.


Just.......plain. Old


1 point

How can you take away something that doesn't exist?

Can you take away Unicorns?

Or Astrology?

Or psychokinesis?

Or elves?

Or faries?

Or Zeus's and Thor?






SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

Yeah...just like I said.


And it does not prohibit getting registered. Especially to a demographic tied with terrorism and war against our country.

Are you retarded? I am serious. Please tell us, so we can take your idiotic posts with s big grain of fucking salt. which we do anyway!


1 point

You have absolutely no evidence...not one single iota...that you can provide to support your claim of an afterlife. All you have is your Bible. And that is a work of ancient fables and mythos. Never to be confused with s science book.

Counting on an afterlife is a fool's thinking. Magical thinking! Might as well believe in unicorns and fairy godmothers. There is the same amount of evidence for those as their is for an afterlife.

Better off we are all is to live this life to the fullest and enjoy it as much as possible, since it's all you can count on. And don't squander it praying to God's and dead Jew carpenters who do not exist. Much less care about you.

That shit is for the lazy and the weak.


0 points

The Muslims should be forced to register. Their track record of terrorism and violence is sufficient enough to warrant it. Hell, those camel fucking bastards are lucky all Trump wants to do is register them. Many world leaders would outright deport or imprison a people that were connected byvreligion or ethnicity with terrorism.

And I don't want to hear any shit about how only a small amount of Muslims commit violence and jihad. Enough is enough. We don't fly 747's into their shit hole mudhuts.

As a veteran of OIF I already killed me a few ragheads. Should there be any trouble out of them when they have to register I would not mind going active duty again and greasing a few more.

As far as you registering as a Mooslim....who gives a shit? Your bio says Christian. I don't think you know what the fuck you are. And that includes your politics. I doubt you could define the words Liberal and Conservative. You come across to me as a confused little girl whose Daddy doesn't pay enough attention to.


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