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Fascist much? Nothing to see here.
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:24
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 Fascist much? (4)
 Nothing to see here. (7)

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Sitar(3680) pic

First they came for the Muslims & I didn't speak up, for I'm not a Muslim.

Donald Trump during his campaign threatened to force the Muslims. to register with the government. Hitler forced the Jews to register, and he eventually killed them. If Trump does this, I will register with the Muslims.

Fascist much?

Side Score: 7

Nothing to see here.

Side Score: 12
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Muslims represent a real and deadly threat to all the people of the western world and due to their actions have lost the right to enjoy the same freedoms as the non Muslim citizens of the countries they infest.

They have already 'appropriated' great tracts of our towns and cities where they practice and enforce their barbaric sharia laws of their backward religious hocus pocus.

Jews are an asset to the societies they live and never did pose a threat to Germany or any country which they adopted as home.

Where do Muslims hold mass protests against the death and violence of their religious brothers?

Even when the so called Irish Republican Army were murdering 100s of people and destroying property in Northern Ireland we had brave people like Mairead Corrigan and Betty Williams risking being ''knee capped between the ears'' by holding peace rallies which were attended by 100s of 1000s.

Not so with the Muslims whose first loyalty is for the paedophile prophet Mohammad.

Those who don't recognise the Muslim threat will be blown out of the surreal world of cloud cuckoo land sooner or later.

The sanctimonious shitheads who advocate tolerance to the ''enemy within'' will be instrumental in the dismantling of their own societies along with the demise of their values and principles.

It is time for these so called peaceful Muslims to stand up and be counted.

Side: Nothing to see here.
1 point

Well, he hasn't done anything like that yet. So, innocent until proven guilty.

Side: Nothing to see here.
Sitar(3680) Clarified
1 point

Fair enough, but don't his own words convict him?............................................................

Side: Fascist much?
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

No. Freedom of speech.

Side: Fascist much?
1 point

He also said he was going to build a wall, that isn't happening. He also said he was going to prosecute Hillary, that isn't happening. He said a lot of stuff that he is going back on and/or can't enforce. Now if he DOES try to actually force Muslims to register, then we have a problem. Until then, stand with him when he's right and break him down when he's wrong.

Side: Nothing to see here.

They're not coming for anyone; they're only going to watch those who have the highest likelihood of engaging in terrorism.

Side: Nothing to see here.
0 points

The Muslims should be forced to register. Their track record of terrorism and violence is sufficient enough to warrant it. Hell, those camel fucking bastards are lucky all Trump wants to do is register them. Many world leaders would outright deport or imprison a people that were connected byvreligion or ethnicity with terrorism.

And I don't want to hear any shit about how only a small amount of Muslims commit violence and jihad. Enough is enough. We don't fly 747's into their shit hole mudhuts.

As a veteran of OIF I already killed me a few ragheads. Should there be any trouble out of them when they have to register I would not mind going active duty again and greasing a few more.

As far as you registering as a Mooslim....who gives a shit? Your bio says Christian. I don't think you know what the fuck you are. And that includes your politics. I doubt you could define the words Liberal and Conservative. You come across to me as a confused little girl whose Daddy doesn't pay enough attention to.


Side: Nothing to see here.
daver(1770) Disputed
3 points

I see can no significant advantage in registering Muslims. We already know who they are. Islam is a starkly divided religion. A more reasonable approach is to work with moderate Muslims to identify radicals.

Side: Fascist much?
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Twice in one week, I come to agreement with someone I normally disagree with! Daver: cheers!

Side: Fascist much?
Sitar(3680) Clarified
2 points

Freedom of religion is a right, Muslims have the same rights as other people.

Side: Fascist much?
SlapShot(2608) Disputed
1 point

Not in my country they shouldn't, you stupid little sniveling twat.

Remind me, retard....who was that who attacked us and killed thousands on 9/11?

Who was it that tried to kill me and my brothers over in Tikrit?

I sure am glad I got to kill me some ragheads. Hope I get another chance some day. I almost hope those camel tickets DO protest when they have to get banned so my Army Reserve unitvwill be activated and we can kill some more!


Side: Fascist much?
Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
2 points

We don't fly 747's into their shit hole mudhuts.

Correct instead we bomb them killing far more people.

Side: Fascist much?
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

True. We prefer smart bombs that seem dumb enough to make no differentiation between innocent Muslims and radicals.

Trumps rhetoric is already responsible (check that, "is a cause"), for violence and death just last week!

Side: Fascist much?
SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

Yep. We did end up killing more of them than they did us.

They fucked up, amigo.

They started it. We finished it.

They rattled the Big Dog's cage and got bit.



Side: Fascist much?