
YeshuaBought's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of YeshuaBought's arguments, looking across every debate.

Get raped, bitch. You don't have the right to lie, and you don't have the right, to disrespect, rape survivors. i hope, it happens to you, bitch. I never said, being raped, makes someone prochoice, and if you disrespect a rape survivor, you are, a rapist.

Splendid. i never said, otherwise. Thank you, for responding.

If you don't leave me alone, i am reporting you to the FBI, for stalking, you goddamn, rapist. You are, a rapist, and you will, be sorry.

I have the absolute right, to stand up for myself, by any means necessary, and if you don't like it, leave me the fuck alone, you goddamn, rapist.

You don't have the right, to harass me, rapist. You are a rapist, if I am a fascist, so what is it going, to be? Leave me alone, or get shot.

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

If I am a fascist, you are a rapist, see how that works? Libel goes both ways, just like your pedo mother. ;)

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

Nom is a fucking cunt, and if he does not leave me alone, he will be sorry..............................................

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
0 points

Reported, for harassment. leave me alone, or I will call you, a rapist...................................................................................................................

Reported for abuse. Leave me, alone, cunt.........................................................................

-1 points

Right? he is a hypocrite, for whining, about racism, when he is racist.......................................................................

It is racist, to whine about skin color, and what I watch, is none, of your business. You have been banned, for being abusive, and you won't be back, until you can be, respectful. i have done nothing wrong, and I have the right, to not be attacked, for disagreeing, with your opinion. Dismissed.

And, you are done. If you continue to be abusive, you will have, to leave me alone...............

Yes they do. Voting is a right, and if you disagree, YOU, are the fascist.........................................................

Yep, you're trolling. You are racist, for whining, about skin color, when no one with a moral compass, cares, about skin color. THAT, is the race card, and i will not, change my mind.

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

People have the right to vote, whether you like it, or not, end of story.

Don't play the race card, most people, are so tired, of hearing, about skin color. Skin color, does not matter, to people with morals, and it is not racist, to criticize religion. Religion, is not a race.

Hello, Nom. How are you?..........................................................................................................

This debate is not about God, it is about unborn babies, having the right, to live. Staye on topic, or leave.

Yes they do. Everyone has the right to lie. This is my body, i have the right to live, and anyone who disagrees, is pro rape culture.

Both Parties suck, deal with it.........................................................................................

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

I don't have to answer your question, a second time. Either read my answer, or stop asking. Thanks.................

Just tell me, your thoughts, hun, and don't think I allegedly hate you, because I love you, and my reason is, you exist. i will not however, tolerate your abuse, so if you continue, you will need to leave me alone.

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

He has the right, to his thoughts, even if he hates me, for being, a Christian...................................

I love you, God bless you, and would you like, to talk about it? Please tell, me. :).........................................................................................

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

Both parties, do, but i agree, with your premise. :)......................................................................

I have the right, to religious liberty, and free speech, and i will continue excercizing that right, whether it is legal, or not. My life, not the government's life.

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

It is not bigoted, to disagree, and you, are a hypocrite. You as a liberal, are bigoted, against me, for being a Christian, so you, have no right to whine. Libel, will get you, nowhere. Whenever someone disagrees with the left, they are accused, of bigotry.

That's a lie. Transgenders, are delusional perverts, who are forcing, their delusion, on other people, and you can do nothing, to change my mind.

I never said, everyone should be locked up for what they think. You don't have the right, to lie, and you, are banned. I just said, delusional, and mentally ill people, should receive mental healthcare, and not be allowed, to run free, until they give up, their delusion. Trans people, are delusional perverts, and the people that support them, are, as well. When you are ready to tell the trtuh about me, let me know. Have a nice day.

That is a lie. Yes i fuckin did, respond, to your question, murdering, whore...............................................

And, you are done, trolling, on my fucking debate, you murdering, whore. Banned, baby, murder.

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

Yes it is. Gender dyphoria, is a delusion, a perversion, and a mental illness, and it is a sin, to support it.

Yes it should be. i have the right, to religious liberty, and nothing you can do, can ever change my mind. I have the absolute right, to read, whatever I jollywell, please, hypocrite. If Muslims have the right to read the Quran, and they do, I have the right, to read the Bible. If the Bible is banned, I will break the law, and read it anyway, because I belong to Jesus, and not the bigoted, antichristian, far left, government.

Trans people, are delusional, end of story. You are free, to read whatever the Hell you want, into my statement, but that does not make your opinion, true.

People who don't know what gender they are, absolutely should, be locked up, as deviants.

You don't have the right, to murder babies, but I do, have the right, to live. Abortion patients, are worse, than pedo rapists, for torturing, their unborn babies, to death. End, of fucking story, baby murdering, bitch.

Thank you, sweetheart..........................................................................................................

Thank you, and while I am a Christian, i believe Christianity and sex, have everything in common: They should both, always, be consensual.

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

If Republicans hate Muslims (we don't), do democrats, hate Christians, victim card playing, hypocrite? It is not hate to disagree, and i am tired of the left, giving Muslims a free pass, while they hate, Christians. The left, is a bunch, of effing, hypocrites. thanks, for the lie.

No they don't, not at the expense, of biology. It is not possible, to change, your genetic code, and trans people, are delusional.

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

I respect where you are coming from, but without the Republican Party, religious liberty, and free speech, would not, exist.

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

I have the right, to religious liberty, and free speech. if someone does not like it, they are free, to leave, at any time.

Bernie Sanders, is a revolutionary, for the communist left, sweetheart. Deal with it.

Trans people, don't have the right, to force their delusion, on other people. People who don't know what gender they are, should be locked up, until the therapy, works.

YeshuaBought(2848) Clarified
1 point

That's your right, sweetheart. if you want to support Chuckles the Clown, go for it, if you honestly think that is best, for you. Vote with your moral code, and not mine. All i ask, is don't hate me, if i differ, from, you. :)

Right, now, i agree, with you..................................................................................................

Um, good? I don't wish anyone to die, of cancer. That is hate, and very wrong. Love thy neighbor, even if they are right, or wrong. Only God, can dictate, who is, and is not, worthy, to live, or die.

No He isn't, and it is wrong, to politicize, God....................................................................

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