
Bigassbiker's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Bigassbiker's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

So great .. if a fetus isn't a person, if someone is deemed not responsible enough to raise a child (say a woman convict who wants the child) then it should be fine to force the abortion on her right? It should be like not allowing her to have a car. "Oh don't worry, it wasn't a real life anyhow, off you go."

1 point

Screw Jeep... Toyota FJ Cruisers are amazing and they won't be at the mechanics every 6 months. And you can wear Sumo Underwear while driving ...MMMM comfy

0 points

"not your strong suit""deluded ilk" I can see now that the question you posed for debate wasn't for the purpose of debate at all, just a juvenile attempt to find someone religious and take your angry intolerance out on to make yourself feel slightly superior. I think a fairer question that you should have put up for debate should have been," While most religious people are extremely tolerant of other religions, with a few hard line exceptions, and are even tolerant and open to the arguments of atheists, why do atheists waste so much energy and anger trying to disprove religion and remove all notions and concepts of God. " Your debate style is more suited to you asking, " Why is the sky blue?" and when someone tells you why you reply "the sky is pink you stupid ass" Glad to see our community colleges are turning out the cream of the crop. Hope that you found yourself worthy of that whole "natural selection" thing and didn't chop Mr. Happy off. Have a nice day, God Bless..

1 point

Are you angry at the wind for knocking down your house? Angry at the swimming pool in your back yard that drowned your child? Angry at the waves crashing into the surf to loud? Angry at the sun and sand for causing your thirst in the Desert? Do you forgive your parents for giving birth to you even though you have Down's syndrome and are missing a leg? My point would be that, If you choose to truly believe in God, you have to accept that he is a natural/supernatural force above judgement from his creations, like the examples I have listed above, he allowed his only son to be hung on a cross, have a bad joke written above his head and killed for goodness sake. If you, like some of the arguments on the no side, do not believe in God, than you might as well hate Santa Clause and be disgusted with him for not giving you that Red Rider B.B. gun for Christmas or angry at the person who taught you to read that God used 2 bears to smite 42 children.

0 points

Then explain Ghandi, Martin Luther King, most of the Vietnam war protests, The British Columbia H.S.T. protests, the policy changes in the U.S because of the Tea Party, the health care protests that changed some of the health care policies coming, the immigration protests in Arizona that are calling for border security? What are some of the changes made from violent protests?

0 points

Of course, who are you to question God. JOB 38-42 "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation. Tell me if you understand" Who marked off it's dimensions, surely you know..who laid its cornerstone.. who shut the sea behind doors... have you given orders to the morning... tell me...etc etc.." read it for your answer, but i'll give you the Cliff's notes.... WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO QUESTION GOD lol p.s. if you don't believe in God than you shouldn't even be debating this question because it just makes you look like a religion hating asshole... go bother the muslims you chickenshits.. oh ya you wouldn't dare.

0 points

The second the first act of violence happens, any legitimate protesters voice is silenced and any public sympathy vanishes. The public is numb to the point of the "leftist" protester, having experienced the IMF, World bank and G8/G20 riots over the years. A large problem appears that while some of the protesters points are valid, the "leaders" of most of these groups bury their real agenda inside flowery and complex ideas (i.e. we should forgive third world debt) without explaining HOW we can pay for some of the social extravagances or giving clear plans on HOW we can give back the first nation lands without screaming "BUSH LIED KIDS DIED, HALIBURTON, bla bla bla and smashing windows. It would be beneficial for them to take the same road as some of the more successful conservative protesters like the Tea Party, one of the fastest growing movements in the U.S. or the health care protests that happened before the bill was passed, but why bother when you can destroy stuff and scream police brutality, racism and homophobia.

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