
Dragonmaster's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Dragonmaster's arguments, looking across every debate.

Why? "cuz he's black!? racist trash............................................................................................................

Rogue Rascal, do not listen to this negative nancy. I am sure you are VERY intelligent.

YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM! He could be very smart. He could be an A-student for all you know, and you know what I think: i think YOU are pretty unintelligent, Abby GAYstor

I myself have had a run-in with an alien or two. I walked down the street one time and they were near a store front trying to sell their alien placeboes. well on this particular occasion, i certainly did fancy myself one of them placeboes. As i whipped out my wallet and and got closer to them, they started to busy themselves by packing up their merchandise. i noticed their hustle and began to do the same, but the faster i went, the fasterER they went. soon enough, they had packed up, walked into the nearby store and locked the door. I was pretty confuzzled since i didn't get to buy one of them placeboes. so i walked home contemplating the reasons why they would not want to be near me. many things swirled in my mind but nothing seemed to make sense. I was just like them, i may look a little different but we all are one in the same. perhaps this will be one mystery that i will never solve...

This is a metaphor for racism.

4 points

Finally! some sense being spoken! you hit that nail right on the head. Amen Abe

2 points

Men were here first. women cant control me with that gender equality nonsensical crap! Women were put on God's green earth to assist the man with the cooking and cleaning, not grip them by the cahoonas and squeeze tight. As to the idea that two heads are better than one: all that is saying is that men are better by default. Check mate feminists...checkmate

The Mosaic Law became irrelevant when Jesus came to Earth. he reshaped the laws so that we would not have to follow the old ones. As Christians, we should disagree with homosexualitiy, but never hate the homosexual. that is how Christians should act, but unfortunatley, that is not how most do now days.

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmm no. it's for quidditch, numb nuts

Country music because the majority of the genre's songs are either about God, beer, women, fields, or trucks. there is not much diversity.


0 points

no no no. not since he got that surgery on his voice box. ever since then, his sonar hasnt been working properly.

At first it may sound strange, but it isn't after you think about it. Man sinned and fell short of God. we deserve nothing more than death, yet ... "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16 We were damned because of our sin and we could do nothing to change it, but Jesus was sent as a scapegoat for humanity's sins. he took our sins to the cross and died for us. With that in mind, don't you think a man who died in a horrible way and brought you everlasting life through Him should deserve a little more respect than your parents who gave you life for 80 years or so? I love my parents unconditionally, but my love for Jesus Christ runs deeper because of what he sacrificed for an wicked sinner like me. to a non believer this will sound strange and absolutely crazy, but if you think deeply about this and try to fully grasp the concept of what he did, then you'll understand and completely agree with it.

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