
Matthill2008's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Matthill2008's arguments, looking across every debate.

Hot dogs maily as I've never had a chilli dog. I don't even know what one is, im guessing a a sausage type thing made from chilli?

Add to my Pokemon card collection 8-|

Either that or buy a football(soccer) club as it is something that interests me and my local club is in dire straights so I'd help them out.

Agreed but you'd think they would notice and possibly change it. Just for the sake of not having KKK as their abbreviated company name.

Well, I have never had this problem as I am too ninja. If I do drop something my ninja reflex kicks in and I catch it before it hits the ground. I'm just too awesome.

For any protest to be taken seriously you need to be respectable in the way you go about the protest and you need mass support. Breaking the law during your protest is just making it easier for whoever your protesting against and the media to turn you into targets and dismiss what you were protesting for.

They are but these shows still get decent audiences so why change what works? If its not broke don't fix it and its not like there isn't alternative shows, nowadays you can watch a program about almost anything.

Soccer is better easily. Just look on a global scale, soccer is probably the biggest sport in the world.

I am from England and soccer (football) is by far the biggest sport here and in most of Europe. It surpasses all other sports as it does if you look at the global spectrum.

Lack of guidance. Growing up people need to have asserted values and to be taught morality.

To many people grow up now thinking about greed and image. People need to have more respect and care for eachother. Too many people do not consider the reactions of their actions.

Maybe 2000 years from now there will be a similar post about Harry Potter ¬¬

Simple fact is its merely a story book with no evidence to support it.

Exactly. I wouldnt say I am a pacifist but I try to avoid all types of conflict. Obama stated while picking up his nobel peace prize:

"Evil does exist in the world. A non-violent movement could not have halted Hitler’s armies. Negotiations cannot convince Al Qaeda’s leaders to lay down their arms."

I believe this is true as evil does exist, and pacifism may be a valid way by which to live, but it will not majorly impact upon others lives, merely your own.

People can justify anything but justification is a point of view. People have different points of view so justification to one person maybe not be justification to another. So yes assassination of a dictator can be justified but not to every single person.

Yes! Technology is advancing at a fast rate and becoming ever more efficient. Laptops and iPads will overtake PC's as they are smaller and more versatile.

They should not be allowed to vote. They are in prison therefore the majority of policies that a government would implement would not affect them.

By breaking the law they forfeited there right to vote. I think people with minor offences such as affray or people with short sentences should be allowed to vote but the majority of prisoners are not a part off society so why should they be allowed to vote on who governs a soceity they are not part off.

who bothers to read their money?

who think hey im going to buy some bread and milk, but hang on before i pay, i will read the money!

I will start by saying i use Bebo and Facebook. I never warmed to MySpace.

I find it a perfectly safe enviorment. Of course every now and then you will get the odd paedophile but even if the girls are underage they are very aware of the potential risks of meeting strangers.

So the vast majority of people who use bebo and facebook are safe and make there own choices.

If my wife confided in me than I wouldn't betray her trust. She trusted me to support and help her and I would. I would be extremely angry and maybe even divorce her depending on what type of murder whether it be like a self defence murder or she just thought it would be fun.

I know! The witches are so scary and I crap myself when i find one. I can never leave it alone thought i always have to startle it but it always pwns me :L


Which is pretty liekly when you think about it!

You say this but what about the people with talents for crime? People with lack of talent? People who are mentally unstable? In a society like this you will get people who would just be happy too leech form the system and take advantage of it doing absolutly nothing but recieving the benefits from the hard work of other people!

I believe personal persuit. Human nature is for someone to persue things for themselves, not for others.

I admit I had a long Runescape phase. I have stopped playing it now I gave my account to my 10 year old brother but still the game was very addictive and there was always plenty to do.

It could become very tedious and repetitive though but it was a good game. I wouldn't go as far to say it is the 'best' game but it certainly kept me entertained for nearly a year!


Arsenal with players like Walcott and Fabregas. We may not have experience in abundance but we have the young creative flair that no other team possesses and under the guidance of Arsene Wenger the players weill develop and only get better.

Ok here is the bottom line:

Whoever wins, we lose!

Yes it would take 100 zombies to do anything to a werewolf, but luckily there are likely to be more than 100 zombies at any one time. So werewolf will just get swarmed and overwhelemed rendering it incapable of being the fast sneaky creature it is.

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