
Minimurph83's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Minimurph83's arguments, looking across every debate.

like I said if I had the power like the minority report I would punish them before because I have the knowledge of there actions before it happens, humans are controlled by fear more than any other feeling, so to punish one would prevent many more from acting.

I have no judgement on someone who I believe doesn't exist, so cant call or think hes an idiot.

because at heart I am a good person and I know that's the way we all should be, but I only have a Sharpe tongue when I feel that response is required, but retrospectively that response should never be used by anyone, were all entitled to our own opinions and views and should never force that stance on anyone else, im more than happy to argue with you in a polite way but I can assure you we will never think alike or come to the same conclusion as we are opposite ends of a scale.

I noticed you haven't put your opinion down on what you would do if you were God? why don't you show your other side?

I'm more than happy to do that, I only ask the same of you.

2 points

I would use my powers to control bad people, with the power that gods have I would teach them a lesson first, remove a limb or something for a short while them once I think they have learned there lesson they can have it back, you cant stop people from doing bad things but you can show them a consequence of there action. a bit like the minority report I would stop them before they carried out the act or turn back time once they had, after all I am god so I have that power.

5 points

If I was a God I would only have one race of people, no religions, women equal to men, free energy to power the city's so we don't destroy the world I've just bloody created, I would cure the sick, look after the good, destroy the bad help the animals thrive, take people on guided tours of the universe that I also created. I most certainly wouldn't sit back and do naff all! only make Adam and Eve! let my son die on a cross, flood the world! and allow the murder of children.

2 points

I'm glad I inspired you to create this debate, this thought process came from me putting you on the back foot :)

pot called the kettle black!! why don't you practice what you preach!

basically you couldn't answer me could you?? its ok to admit when your wrong and concede the argument.

your so thick, if Adam and eve had offspring (children) those children would have to breed with each other to make more babies (inbreed) or if Adam shagged his own daughter (inbreed) = Mutants Logic 101 perfection doesn't stop anything!

So if were all from Adam, why are we all so different now? and its impossible to come from two people that's called inbreed and we would be a world of mutants.

Not in the slightest dumbass!! god cant be an idiot because he doesn't exist, logic 101 numb-nuts! and my little story was to emphasise the foolishness of religion and the stupidity behind this story!, a story forge in a time where answers for the world that surrounds them were few and far between, where mother nature was an or inspiring thing, where as we know it now as the weather, thunder and lighting, wind and rain, tornados and earth quakes, tsunamis and floods, a freighting thing to the unintelligent, and to really drive it home to you religious nut jobs if the bones of Jesus were found who would you turn to, to confirm the age and cause of death? you would turn to science to confirm your evidence you need science to confirm your claim but yet science is what you discredit.

0 points

Let me put this to you, do you think God created us as in earth or the universe and earth?

Let me put it in a story for you, God was bored one day and thought I need to do something, I know what ill do ill make the universe, and in that universe ill make a place called earth and only that planet in that galaxy will have life on it, so god then put his hand in his pocket and grabbed out the elements of the universe and proceeded to create life, and he did this in the dark, he wanted to surprise himself and when he thought that will do he said let there be light! and he created this gas ball called the Sun, as god gazed at his creation he thought I wont create anything that resembles me ill make dinosaurs first, humans can come later, I might even throw in an ice age just to mix things up!

I could go on all day with this story, and incorporate the bible bollocks along the way, your faith is a joke and it amazes me that anyone can find it in anyway credible.

Its funny how we keep finding evidence of life way before we were around, yet we cant find anything that your religion claim? we find dinosaur bones that are millions of years old, but where are the bones of Jesus?? the ark? Adam and Eve? the forbidden tree?

and as for mother nature every animal and insect has adapted to its environment, it has EVOLED through out the generations to become more efficient to survive, just like us Humans have EVOLED to become so advanced and intelligent accept for a few humans like you?

yep I'm all flunked out! your such an amazing debater, you leave me speechless!!

I guess I'm going to Church on Sunday now! you have given me so much belief and evidence, thankyou Dadman you have saved my soul.

Hahaha you don't like it that someone answer your question! why don't you respond to the person who has answered your question, or don't you have an answer again!!!

you can stick the bible up your arse! up your arse, right up your arse you can stick the bible right up your arse, from Jerusalem to Wembley stick the bible up your arse!!

I like cookies, not to sure about Oreos! but I do like Oreos in ice cream, but I like Cookie to dip in my tea!

I like cookies, not to sure about Oreos! but I do like Oreos in ice cream, but I like Cookie to dip in my tea!

I like cookies, not to sure about Oreos! but I do like Oreos in ice cream, but I like Cookie to dip in my tea!

I like cookies, not to sure about Oreos! but I do like Oreos in ice cream, but I like Cookie to dip in my tea!

2 points

What's scientific about your question dumbass?? for a man of your age you sure lack maturity, I'm guessing your going to continue with this childish response which only shows you and your religion to have nothing credible to respond with.

Its not a question to answer, its irrelevant to the debate, why don't you grow up, and act your age and give some credibility to your perfective faith.

4 points

creationism is religion trying to justify its self because it has nothing to back up such a massive claim, at least Darwin has attempted to make sense of the world before us and currently with us, we a products of evolution, history has show where we have come from to where we are now, humans have evolved more than any other species and science has been the foundation of that progression, religion has been oppressor!

0 points

I see you still lacking the ability to debate? why don't you answer the question! your responses are childish and show a lack of knowledge and intelligence, resorting to this behavior because you have no where to turn to for substance.

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