
Nicsones's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Nicsones's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The population has seen enough of it. We live in the 21st century the racist people need to get in the game! There are people like Rush who are very racist it would not surprise me if he says I want Obama dead because he is racist and will be going to hell because of it.

(Sorry about getting off topic but I hate racist people)

4 points

I think that the government should offer Universal health care because there is already over 40 million uninsured Americans living in the U.S. We do live in the 21st century and we have just about everything imaginable, except Universal health care.

0 points

I think this is a myth, because it is all a big cycle. Al Gore is wrong along with many others. It is a cycle, not the end of the world.

2 points

No we should not the other side needs to think. Who would govern the government? How would you decide who is running it? There are many other reason's that I could list. This just would not work because of the different governments and the different ties to different people. I don't think this is possible at all.

-1 points

I believe in God, I support Israel in what every they do.

-1 points

I believe in God so yes I will support Israel in anything that they do.

1 point

I don't believe the NWO even exist's. So I don't think it will ever happen. And any way there is other problems in this world of ours.

1 point

I don't beleive that we (America) should send them back. My reason for this is that they are people. Also because of what the Statue of Liberty has inscribed in her.

1 point

I think that terrorist leader's want the next attack to be bigger. I also think that we must stop them at all costs and never give up the fight against terrorism.

2 points

I think we will be attacked by Iran, because we support Israel and Iran hates Israel. The president claims that the Holocaust never happened, those words spark some concern.

3 points

I like Dumbledore, he has always been my favorite character. I like him because he has never doubted Harry.

2 points

We have been over there now for a while. I believe that if Bush thought that the Iraqi government could manage on there own then we would have already left. So I don't think Obama should let them decide when we leave because with out us they still would be a nation that was being oppressed by there dictator.

2 points

I think we are. I think that the United States cares a lot about celebrates and not enough about the people who keep this nation running efficiently.

2 points

Yes I do think we will. I think that the terrorist's network's want to make the attack bigger and that is why we have not seen one happen yet. I think that they will keep trying to kill innocent people until they are all wiped out.

4 points

I don't think he should shut it down, because then they would be on U.S. ground or in a foreign nation. If they are on U.S. ground and escape then they would be on the loose here in America. If they are in a foreign nation and if that nation support's terrorism then they could let the person go to weak havoc on the world again.

2 points

I think that politicians must do what ever they can to end terrorism. These are people who want to destroy everyone but themselves it is the terrorist's who need to be destroyed.

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