
Smilinbobs's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Smilinbobs's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

So you clearly feel as though you are entitled to a good life at the expense of others It's not the job of your bankers, or employers to make your way through life. That is your responsibility no one is forced to default on their mortgage. They may have to change their lifestyle or work harder than they want but ultimately it will be their choice to do what it takes to keep their home or to just keep doing what they are doing and fail. This the kind of mindset that instills the parasitic behavior of socialists

1 point

First Hitler gassing Jews is a completely different topic and one that you may find very unexpectedly disturbing if you researched it to it's fullest extent. hint (more fiction than truth)

The modern education system and society have convince you in a socialist manner that you need to be in debt, False, I have been in debt for 15 years of my 54 when I bought my home. It is the only loan I have ever needed. It was my choice to go into debt and I paid it off responsibly. All of my other needs I worked for and lived within a budget as I do now.

1 point

Wrong, in capitalism you are not forced to purchase anything you don't wish to purchase. So if you go into debt by purchasing things on credit you should be responsible for paying it back and the people willing to lend you their wealth need some incentive to lend it to you interest is that incentive.

What makes you think socialism is not a form of slavery you are forced to pay for things which you may not use like health care and furthered education.

1 point

Socialism creates poverty, and a lack of incentive to be productive. This creates the drug abusers who are not productive in socialist economies there is no need for them to be productive. Drug dealers are exempt from the socialist economics as an illegal activity the government is not stealing their wealth. Dealing drugs is only a crime because the Government is heavily involved in big pharma where they make money from drugs and they don't want competition.

1 point

Can you give examples of places where this takes place? This is one of the difference between theoretical vs practical. In theory good when actually implemented doesn't work do to the nature of humans.

1 point

Again I say Capitalism is the lack of government involvement in business. You are clearly indicating what is true about the socialist part of our economic situation. As as in all socialist economies big business is entwined in government interchangeable you might say.

1 point

Capitalism is an economic system without government intervention Socialism is the control of business by government. So when you are discussing the "capitalist state" as you call it you are discussing the socialist end of our economic atmosphere. The further we go down the socialist rabbit hole the more of this you will see.

1 point

So in your world you would have theft as a legal practice? There would be no need to contribute to your own wealth you would just take it. What happens when all of the contributors exit the horrible world which you have created so that they could keep the wealth that they earned?

1 point

Socialism only works in small groups like a family where the supporting members voluntarily contribute to the group wealth. This is done because the supporting members feel an obligation to care for the non contributing members.

If socialism contributions are involuntary (this is theft) this creates an atmosphere of dissent. This is where socialism fails because the contributors and non-contributors are essentially equal. Why would you want to be a contributor?

In capitalism your worth is determined by your contribution and with ambition you can achieve any reasonable desired wealth. If you offer no contribution it is your choice but you should not expect others to support you.

1 point

When you have 1,000,000 dollars and you decide to lend it out to make money you can set your own rate on lending. You can lend it to the poor at 12% and hopefully it works out for you. My guess is that it won't. You will most likely lose on some of your investments. If you lend it to the wealthy they will either pay it back or you will take it using the law out of their wealth (which they have being wealthy) It's not a matter of fair it's just reality. The thing about reality and truth is that it's not always fair.

1 point

The USSR and now the Ukraine, and Russia are not capitalist economies and have the same drug problems. Capitalism is not the cause of drug abuse. I would argue that most drug addicted people are not the people who are ambitious and aspire to live a good life.

1 point

You mention war as being the product of capitalism but again war is the product of government. Socialist economies also welcome war more so than capitalist economies. War to government (socialist) accomplishes a number of important functions. Population decrease which = better economy. The need for materials of war = better economy. Unifies the statist nationalism and pride which = obedience. Capitalist societies can benefit from war but don't need it. Politicians who invest in war related industries like Dick Cheney and countless other politicians are the real problem

smilinbobs(590) Clarified
0 points

you should study more about political relationships with big business and banking. We are socialist enough now that the politicians are big business and politicians are the banking industry. The politicians are big oil and big Pharma. research it you will be amazed. That is the socialist end of things in the USA. In capitalism government is not suppose to control business the free market is. That is not what we have.

0 points

Again with prisons, capitalism is not the problem with the prison system it is government. The US government is the largest organized illegal drug syndicate in the world. This was confirmed with the 80's cocaine trade Barry Seals, the Iran Contra case, ect. Now it's the Opium trade (hence the reason we invaded Afghanistan) If you look at the UN poppy production stats you will see that in 2000-2001 the Taliban had burned the poppy fields and threatened the poppy farmers. The US military was sent in to protect the existing poppy fields and now poppy production is at an all time high. If you keep up on current events you would know there is a heroin epidemic. The US government also has a war on drugs so they can use the prison industrial complex to cash in on more money. For politicians it's a win win. Capitalism is not the problem there it's government.

0 points

I happen to know a great deal about healthcare as I work in healthcare. Here are some truths that you can fact check if you doubt my word. Health care is so costly because of government not capitalism. Healthcare is so over regulated that it cost a fortune to meet all of the government imposed criteria. An example of this is the fact that 20 years ago health insurance premiums were a small percentage of the current cost. Our hospital to meet all of the regulatory requirements employs about 800 people to take care of an average 30 patients daily. The government keeps requiring all kinds of positions where people are checking on the people who are checking on the other people. None of these people have anything to do with the health of the patient. They send inspection teams annually to find minor deficiencies then they fine the hospital for each of them. Better yet they are normally things which have been the same way for many years without issue and cost thousands to fix. Our most recent was the replacement of many fully functional doors at the cost of $180,000 plus 11,000 in fines. These are why health care is in the state it is in. Then the governments solution is not to have public owned hospitals and reduce regulation. The government answer is to make it more costly then steal more tax money to give to the insurance companies (Banking institutions) along with increasing the cost of health insurance for all.

1 point

First I clearly stated capitalism in the USA because Kenya and Bangladesh are not in the USA they are irrelevant to the discussion. I was born into poverty but you are wrong about ambition and learning not being a major factor in your outcome. They are what will determine your outcome in a capitalist society. My mom is proof of that, she had me at 16 years old. She was single with two children at 18 (poor choices) She dropped out of school and worked two min wage jobs to pay the bills. Once us children were out of the house she furthered her education went to work for a securities company and now has financial security a nice house in NY and one in Florida. (ambition was the determining factor)

0 points

Who do you think caused the economic collapse of 2008? It was government and it's rulers that is why the taxpayers gave them 800 billion dollars.

0 points

They are chosen outcomes. everyone has choices in life not all of our choices are good but they are ours. I come from poverty and I have chosen to live at a certain income level, stress level, location, in a certain type of relationship, ect. I could have chosen drugs, public assistance, homelessness, ect. People have to stop blaming everyone and everything else and be responsible for your own destiny.

1 point

So if you create something and are profiting off of your creation you are okay with politicians stealing the wealth you have earned as long as they give some back to the masses? It is not good enough that you created something which employs others giving them wealth because they have chosen to work for you? Are you a parasite that instead of creating and contributing to your own prosperity you need to steal it from others? If you choose to work for someone who is gaining something from your labors and that bothers you then why would you not just create wealth in a different way? You should be thankful for those who create jobs not to punish them by stealing their wealth.

1 point

So let's use transportation as an example of wealth. Some of us have low wealth transportation and have to fix it regularly to get back and forth to work,doctor, shopping, ect. Some have higher wealth transport which is new every couple of years. Others travel great distances on a regular basis requiring huge wealth for transport in socialism can everyone have a new car and fly around the world when ever they need. This socialism thing sounds great if that is the case I would love to travel the world with out a care knowing that socialism will take care of it.

smilinbobs(590) Clarified
1 point

That explains why socialism only works in fairy tales. Living in the human realm there is no way to make it work

1 point

So in your imaginary system what is the chain of custody for the wealth? You have my attention

2 points

As an atheist I think there would be nothing better than an in depth study of the Abrahamic religions from a historical and ideological stance. The more people who actually knew what the religious texts said the fewer religious people there would be. Just reading the Bible is normally cures christianity.

1 point

Your response makes no sense, with socialism or partial socialism like we have now. The government takes money from the citizens then uses that money in what ever manner they decide. This leads to corruption so politicians use their power and our money to conspire with wealthy bankers and business owner to control markets and prosper greatly. without the government interfering with business. The businesses remain competitive and innovation or ambition can bring great wealth. In socialist systems it's more about politics.

1 point

Did you read the article there are no common traits between Hitler and Trump this was an opinion of a competitive real estate developer how unbias, LOL Now let's talk facts, what presidential policies have caused a negative impact on Woman? Gays? Blacks? Liberals? The Poor? Legal Immigrants?, or Muslims? If your rant is valid you should be able to provide many statutes or you could be lying and find none.

1 point

This is a lie as over half of gun deaths are suicide which is a personal choice which the government has no right to condemn. Police use guns every day to benefit society. The reported number is about 50,000 times each year a firearm is used to prevent criminal activity. This is substantial enough that it imposes on our right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

1 point

So you are going to make the claim that if you are a victim of a violent crime you will not call the police (a person with a gun) to come save you?

1 point

The funny part of your claim here is that you have no idea why those people are in jail. Most people in jail are there for drug offenses and other non violent crimes not gun crimes.

1 point

So if armed intruders come to take your wealth and cause harm to you what is your plan? I will confidently state that you will seek out a person you can trust who is armed with a gun to save you.

1 point

What the hell chance do the untrained farmers , bankers and labourers of the U S have against the might of the American military who we keep getting told have no equal?

The military is not committed to attacking the USA public in a conflict against the government. Historically speaking a portion of the military would be willing to kill it's own citizens in favor of politicians but most will not.Historically speaking every government has become corrupt and was taken down by the citizens or a foreign entity, What makes you think that the same will not happen here in time?

1 point

So you are claiming that politicians aren't getting rich off of they healthcare system? If that is what you think you are very naive. That is why they passed the "Affordable Healthcare Act" If they wanted to help the public in an affordable way they would just open the hundreds of federally owned hospitals to people without insurance. They would pass laws limiting health care prices for any organization which takes federal funds.

1 point

Why is it wrong to be innovative or very ambitious and make lots of money? If someone comes up with a great idea why is it wrong for them to profit from it. Why is it wrong for a person to be ambitious and make lots of money. The people who offer the least to society are government who just steal the wealth of the citizens and spend it like drunken sailors.

2 points

The part of socialism that is most disgusting is government corruption. Historically this is why socialism always fails. When you redistribute the wealth as the redistributors you chose who the money goes to. If you think that would change if we move deeper into socialism you are naive. Bankers are the people who tell the politicians what they are going to do. They would also be the people redistributing the wealth. They will take their cut first. The banking crisis was caused by too many people making a pact with the Devil(banks). When I purchased my home I had a set interest rate and payment for a set amount of time and I paid it no matter what so that I didn't lose my home. I sometimes had to work multiple jobs which was tough as a single parent but it's what I felt I had to do. I have little sympathy for lazy people.

1 point

Why would anyone compare Trump to Hitler? Trump loves the Jews.

Many wealthy people are accused of things by people trying to get rich by using deceit. What's important in these matters are the provable facts. So let's look at the facts Trump has never been convicted of rape. Trump is less popular due to the fact that he is brutally honest about many things. Here's a fact politicians have made their living by lying, judging Trump differently than any other politician is just foolish. The question you should be asking is what presidential policies are affecting my life and is it for better or worse. None of the things you mention change anything in your life.

2 points

What is good about that? If we use "Medicare" as the example, why should that be a socialist program? We pay into it as an insurance program why not just make it an insurance program? Eliminate the government from it entirely.

1 point

What makes you think that fewer people benefit. In socialism only Government officials and the unproductive benefit.

With capitalism the productive and government officials benefit I would argue that we would be better as a society if the people who benefit are at least productive

1 point

Trump may be offensive but he has increased the amount my money I get to keep with his tax cut. The racial tensions from the Obama era have subsided. The country is safe from foreign invaders. Life is good under Trump

Obama tripled my insurance premiums and raised my copays some 5 times what they were. One of my coworkers died due to the Obama care rate hikes. He was having chest pains and our Emergency copay was $50 prior to Obama Care then went to $250 after. He was going to just call his doctors office on Mon but he died Sun because he didn't want to pay the $250.

2 points

Trump has done nothing which affects school shootings. There have been no repeals of gun regulation under Trump. and he has actually imposed new regulation and restriction on guns. Making the legal age 21 to purchase from federally licensed dealers outlawing bump stocks are a couple of examples

2 points

There is only one reason for the government to have single payer health care, because they are bought and paid for by Bankers (insurance companies) and big Pharma. It has nothing to do with helping people. If the government wanted to help the people with healthcare they would open up the federal run hospitals to the uninsured public which would cost a tiny fraction of single payer health care.

1 point

This is a lie that is why you have no supporting data to substantiate your claim. If a person is the victim of a violent crime why do they call for a person with a gun to come save them? It's because that is what saves most people from violent crimes. It is sad if you have seconds to react to prevent being a victim and the police are minutes away. It is very possible that you could lose your life, the life of a loved one, your property, your dignity.

0 points

It is clear that you have no idea why Guns are important to the peaceful members of society who want them to remain legal and available.

The main reason for the 2nd Amendment is politicians are historically corrupt, our forefathers understood this. Millions of people with guns are the only thing that keeps a government from totally oppressing it's citizens.

Another reason for unrestricted gun ownership for peaceful people is to keep the crime rate low. Criminals will always choose a soft target over a hard target, give them less soft targets.

Last is the freedom as a peaceful citizen to own what you desire since you have not harmed anyone

smilinbobs(590) Clarified
1 point

So is democratic socialism what we in the USA have now? We do have a mix of socialism and capitalism.

2 points

Do you know what kinds of programs they have for getting the people on public assistance off of public assistance? Rhetorical, the government gives them the wealth which they steal from producers and call it good.

5 points

I have lived in a poor rural community in NY for most of my life. I work at a hospital another basically socialist entity. Here is a truth about the socialist portion of my world. In my youth there were a few "welfare families" in my area. We termed them that because they lived off of the system (socialism) It was not that theses people couldn't work like everyone else it was to make their lives easier. Most of them had troubles with the law and drug abuse stemmed much of that. Now in the same area there are a higher number of people than ever before living off of the system with the same drug abuse problems. GIVING PEOPLE AN EASY WAY OUT OF LIFE'S RESPONSIBILITIES IS NOT HELPING THEM

smilinbobs(590) Clarified
1 point

Exactly what is democratic socialism? Maybe I'm looking at it wrong.

smilinbobs(590) Clarified
1 point

Good = having far more beneficial aspects than detrimental aspects

1 point

I think that if the government wants to give everyone health care then it should be just like the veterans at government run hospitals where any citizen may use them for free. They should be protected against mal practice suits to keep the costs down. For all of the people who pay for insurance they can go to the regular hospitals.

smilinbobs(590) Clarified
1 point

Believe it or not volunteer community supported fire depts have been successfully defending communities for years before government intervention and support. When the alarms went off nobody looked to see if you were a supporter or not they just did the best they could with what they had. There is nothing bad or wrong in that.

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