
Debate Info

A. B.
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 A. (1)
 B. (3)

Debate Creator

jolie(9809) pic


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 4
1 point

If the people in the trolley are not wearing seatbelts, then better go for A :)

Side: A.
2 points

depends on who those people are on the tracks.

Maybe they are blow up dolls just trying to psyche you.

Side: B.

I choose this providing the bodies won't derail the trolley. Otherwise, A would be the safer bet. Remember: Safety first.

Side: B.
1 point

Those people are shown lashed to the tracks so I'd take that to mean they were part of a repair job and we're supposed to roll on. It would be different if it were something like a cow standing on the tracks because then you'd wonder if it's really supposed to be there or not.

Side: B.