
Debate Info

Makes Sense That’s Senseless
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 That’s Senseless (4)

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Amarel(5669) pic

Andrew Gillum thinks that police should never draw a weapon on anyone for any re

While discussing the rebuilding of community trust in police, Gillum said:
“At the time a law enforcement official has to go to a weapon, to a gun, to a baton, to a taser, then they have already had to go too far by their very presence.“
-Andrew Gillum
How much sense does this make?

Makes Sense

Side Score: 0

That’s Senseless

Side Score: 6
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2 points
Side: That’s Senseless
2 points

“At the time a law enforcement official has to go to a weapon, to a gun, to a baton, to a taser, then they have already had to go too far by their very presence.“

-Andrew Gillum

How much sense does this make?

What do you think his position would be if an intruder had a gun to his head? Cops put down their weapons? If you believe that..

Side: That’s Senseless
1 point

Amy this is just rich for the college educated fool you are !

Can you tell me what "Seness" is and the explanation of that misspelled word ?

College educated dummies never fail to show they are uneducated because you cannot even use spell check ROTFFLMMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: That’s Senseless
Amarel(5669) Clarified
2 points

Thank you for pointing out the fat finger error. I’m sorry you couldn’t gather the meaning from the context. I corrected it.

Side: Makes Sense
1 point

Amy you need to get a refund on your college education LMMFAO !!!!!!!!!

Side: That’s Senseless