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Debate Score:69
Total Votes:73
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Srom(12120) pic

Are Morals Objective?


Side Score: 29


Side Score: 40

And question for anyone who thinks morals are based on concensus, was slavery right 300years ago? The concensus thought it was.

Side: Yes
runderekrun(159) Disputed
1 point

The OBJECTIVE was cheap Labour.

Side: No
2 points

Christian morals aren't. ;)

Side: No
2 points

Are you ever going to post a legitimate argument that actually follow the debate topic? Or do you just hate Christianity that much?

Side: No
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Well, if you didn't believe in a God that breaks his own moral code, you wouldn't be offended. The Christian God does not support the Christian moral code that He allegedly gave. Therefore, the morals are not objective, that don't really exist.

How was that?

Side: No
2 points

No. Morality is our invention and it evolves as a society and people evolve. It preceedes religion entirely and is ingrained in us naturally because we are a social species and need it to survive. The idea that morals are the creation of some overlord deity is idiotic and untrue. Theres no proof that that is the case and if it were so all morality would be the same and it isnt. Iraqi morality is typically different than American morality so to speak. We can have different opinions on moral issues thus confirming that seperate minds have separate senses of morality.

Side: No
hijodeganas(19) Disputed
1 point

You contradict yourself. First you claim that it is an invention, then you claim it is ingrained in us naturally. So which is it, do we have an innate sense for morality or is it a construct?

Why are you bringing deities into this? That is a red herring. The question is not whether we get morality from God or not, it is whether or not morality is objective.

Simply because there are different ideas regarding morality does not automatically make it subjective.

Side: Yes

Nope some peoples Morals are Subjective while others are Objective.

Side: No