
Debate Info

Same thing Different things
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:7
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 Same thing (1)
 Different things (2)

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BananaLunch(61) pic

Are justice and revenge the same thing or different things?

Same thing

Side Score: 2

Different things

Side Score: 3
1 point

Well, even though the overwhelming consensus of opinion is of course that they are two very different things I attest that while justice is the enactment of fair treatment for all, revenge is poetic justice.

An eye for an eye so to speak.

Only in my reckoning, if an aggressor occasions you harm, then poetic justice is to cause the perpetrator double the injury.

So, to summarize;- two eyes for an eye.

Side: Same thing
1 point

Are justice and revenge the same thing or different things?

Hello nom:

They're different. Revenge is something I partake in.. Justice is when the government partakes in it..

excon, still Jewish

Side: Different things
1 point

These two are different but can often be seen as the same when the individual is angry. Take for example, Bruce Wayne. He wanted justice. He wanted Joe Chill to pay for killing his parents in cold blood. He wanted to kill him as retaliation. But he realized, this wasn't true Justice. It was Rachel Dawes who told him that by killing Joe Chill, it would have been an act of revenge and it would have been no better than what Joe did to Thomas and Martha Wayne. Revenge is also all about emotions, especially anger. Justice is about doing what's right and being the better person in any situation. Truth always goes hand in hand with Justice. Toxic social justice warriors these days do not represent Justice. They misrepresent it and they are utter hypocrites.

Side: Different things