
Debate Info

Looks like right wingers to ME Of course, they're lefty's
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Looks like right wingers to ME (1)
 Of course, they're lefty's (2)

Debate Creator

excon(18262) pic

Are lettuce pickers right wingers? They're religeous, believe in family, and work HARD

Looks like right wingers to ME

Side Score: 2

Of course, they're lefty's

Side Score: 4
2 points

Are lettuce pickers right wingers?

You call right wingers Nazis, and now you wanna let in right wingers. Do you really wonder why we don't convert to your ideology? Liberalism is a constant state of changing your mind based on skin color, sex, religion, political need, etc and never having any real objective position on anything. Sorry, these are not the droids you are looking for.

Side: Looks like right wingers to ME
Katoka(18) Disputed
1 point



Side: Of course, they're lefty's
3 points

Are lettuce pickers right wingers? They're religeous, believe in family, and work HARD

Sounds like you are saying leftists are none of these things. Why I'm not a lib.

Side: Of course, they're lefty's