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Debate Score:57
Total Votes:68
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 Yes. (21)
 No. (17)

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SitaraForJesus(3819) pic

Are mental illnesses proof of God's cruelty?

I say yes. If people cannot feel safe inside their head, God is a cruel tyrant who gets off on human suffering. Even the Bible say that precious in His sight is the suffering of the saints. Thanks God. You betcha.


Side Score: 27


Side Score: 30
3 points

If God existed, I would say yes. But the same could be said about people born with any illness, or ugly people, or people born to poverty etc.

Side: Yes.

This is based on the presumption of the monotheistic God existing, but good point. :)

Side: Yes.

If God existed, I would say yes.

Let's assume that he does exist, what would have caused the uprising of these mental illnesses? Adam and Eve clearly didn't have any.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Mutation... evolution...

Side: Yes.
3 points

Mental illnesses conflict with free will.

Side: Yes.

You are so right. .

Side: Yes.

I partially agree, but whu blame God for mental diseases and illnesses if he didn't create them?

Side: Yes.
sauh(1106) Disputed
1 point

Many people free cause their own mental illnesses; take homosexuality for example, or people who wear skinny jeans.

Side: No.
Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

I almost laughed...

Side: Yes.
1 point

I am an atheist.

However for all you theists or fence sitters out there, I'd imagine the question in the title, is a question you have already asked yourselves before, though perhaps not in that exact fashion.

If there is a god, why did he create mental illness? Or any illness for that matter? Why are these inflictions visited upon the innocent, the young and the vulnerable?

In my mind, such things could only be the creation of a particularly vile and twisted individual.

I'm afraid the argument 'God moves in mysterious ways' just doesn't cut it in the face of such a debilitating and horrific condition.

For further proof of gods cruelty, I would suggest a good read of the Old Testament.

God telling Abraham to sacrifice his own son Isaac, just to satisfy gods curiosity, as to wether or not Abraham had faith in him is but one example. Rather sick and cruel of god if you ask me.

Side: Yes.
2 points

actually it says: Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful servants


New Living Translation: The LORD cares deeply when his loved ones die


also: God is not the author of fear, but of love / power and a sound mind


for those who feel anxiety in the mind and soul ........... At times maybe you’ve thought .. if your paycheck were bigger .. if you found that person to marry .. if you got that promotion .. or if your health improved .. then your worries would be over .. But even if your bank account .. relationships .. career .. and physical condition were exactly what you wanted .. would that really put your worries away for good . . . Bottom line is .. putting away worry means changing the way you think about your current situation .. whatever that situation is .. John MacArthur helps change your thinking in Anxiety-Free Living . . . This study from Luke 12 reveals God’s love and provision for you .. and shows why anxiety doesn’t have to be a way of life . . . Master the skill of Anxiety-Free Living . . . It’s within your reach ........

Side: No.
1 point

You'll never hearin in any religion,how their god got them off of drugs & out of gangs. You'll never hear them say,how they lived,when the docs said they had no chance,only in christianity.

Side: No.
Hitler(2364) Disputed
-1 points

Go back to DDO, inferno.

Side: Yes.
2 points

If life is eternal, what people find to be cruel on earth would seem pretty insignificant in the long run.

Side: No.

You are right, I needed to hear that, thanks. :)

Side: No.
2 points

I'm a firm believe that God does not want people to be blind servants. Being the loving God that He is, He wants us to have a choice of whether or not to serve Him. Now, without suffering, without this life, would we have this choice, or enough information to make this choice? So, is God cruel? Definitely not. Is He loving? Definitely so.

Side: No.
Client444(61) Clarified
1 point

An example in the Bible of this is a parable told by Jesus himself, found in Matthew 13: 24-30.

Side: Yes.

It's actually proof of his sense of humor ;)

Side: No.
2 points

No, because it begs the question, that god exists in the first place, and more than just a god, an omniscient, omnipotent one at that. Mental illnesses is not evidence for God's cruelty, mental illness is evidence of a mental illness. If a omnipotent, omniscient god does exist, then honestly, yes it would be evidence of God's cruelty.

Side: No.
1 point

Their existence is proof that either God doesn't exist or he is one evil fuck anyway and shouldn't deserve moral sovereignty.

Side: No.
1 point

Im feeling that way now, but I dont wanna piss Him off. .

Side: Yes.
3 points

God is all-loving. Pissing him off should be impossible.

Side: No.
Spiderman(4) Disputed
1 point

I'm afraid you're incorrect sir. Many ppl have thanked God from being delivered from drugs & gangs. People have not lived passed 6 yrs in a detox center. Also, many people have testified getting healed,(when the doctors said they said they wouldn't live past a fee month. People have gotten up from wheelchairs. If anyone thinks it's a scam,they can have a friend)

(s) or family member(s) to go on the podium to be prayed for. If they refuse to pray for them,then it's a scam. If they do pray for them & get healed,they'll have something to be happy.bout. Either way,they have nothing to lose

Side: Yes.

Or it could just mean that he doesn't exist.

Side: No.
Spiderman(4) Disputed
2 points

Many people have stated they went to Hell. Dreams by themselves,don't cause pain & you have to be awake to hallucinate. So in other words,neither of happened. Daniel chapter 11 predicted that Alexander the Great would conquer Persia, & that it would be divided into four different lands. Everyone who has studied history, would know that did indeed happen.

Daniel chapter 7 also stated that Greece would defeat Persia & that Rome would be the next supreme empire. The reason why is, because each beast represented a different nation,like The Bald Eagle represents America today. Anybody who doesn't believe me, can research this themselves.

Side: Yes.
Vermink(1942) Clarified
1 point

Dreams by themselves,don't cause pain & you have to be awake to hallucinate. So in other words,neither of happened.

Could of been a state of mind the brain put them in, we dont know exactly what was goig theough there head. Also just because they state it doesn't mean it's true for all we know they were lying to get more publicity for having a near death experience.

Side: Yes.
dadman(1703) Clarified
1 point
Side: Yes.
1 point

Pain, want, temptations, and other bad things are the product of Lucifer (AKA The Devil) so therefore it is Lucifer and not God who is causing these mental illnesses, for he wants to sway you from your belief in God.

Side: No.
1 point

We must be talking about two very different "god"s for that to be the case.

Side: No.
1 point

NO!!!! God doesn't exist, so it's obviously not a proof of god's cruelty.

Side: No.
1 point

God doesn't exist, the world would be a better place without religion

Side: No.

No since they are the proof of genetic or external diseases which affected the human body.

Side: No.
0 points

No, It just happens because of bad genes. I hope we make a care for it and help people.

Side: No.