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 Are smartphones and tablets the TV of the future? (16)

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Christinah(6) pic

Are smartphones and tablets the TV of the future?


More and more media users are watching content online via media libraries, Youtube or Netflix. In addition, the rise of tablets and smartphones has lead to many users consuming audiovisual content 'on the go' on these devices. Broadcasters are adapting to this trend by, e.g. HBO creating HBO GO, allowing users to watch from anywhere at anytime. 

What do you think? Will smartphones and tablets replace TV in the future? 


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1 point

I think there will be more audiovisual content consumed on Smartphones and tablets in the future. Especially since there are trends that content will become more interactive and this is easier via mobile devices. I don't think tablets and smartphones will replace the TV but will becomes a strong alternative - especially for people who travel or commute a lot.

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1 point

Well, there's certainly a trend but I doubt that smartphones and tablets will replace TV completely. The "TV industry" is aware of the changes and thus, adapts to them (smart TVs, etc). Also, those devices do not provide a bigger screen, which is inevitable for a nice movie night with besties.

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1 point

I don't really think that smartphones and tablets will replace the TV but it's definitely a supplementary device to the TV, great for travelling or quickly checking out short clips. And just like Gypsywaldo said: the big TV screen is necessary for a successful movie night with besties ;).

1 point


1 point

I don't think Smartphones will ever replace TV, tablets-maybe, The quality of Smartphones in respect of audio quality and screen size! Maybe partially, in certain situations where a TV is not possible- Travel for example, great for in the plane.

1 point


1 point


In my opinion, No. Most people appreciate a big screen TV to view media, so, smartphones and tablets will not replace TV sets.

1 point


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