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Debate Score:33
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Srom(12206) pic

Are today's Christians Christ-like?


Side Score: 15


Side Score: 18
5 points

Yes, because the number of Christian's who can "walk on water" is increasing...

Side: Yes
trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
1 point

Christ-like means having the same character, not being like him as deity.

Side: Yes
GuitarGuy(6096) Clarified
1 point

So what's the term used for people who are like him as a "deity"?

Side: Yes
1 point

Christians dont claim to water on water. That isnt even something they practice.

Side: No
GuitarGuy(6096) Disputed
3 points

I don't blame them. Watering on water is a pointless task.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes I would say that today's Christians are Christ like if they follow God and what He says in His word and abide by it. There are some people who say they are Christians but yet they do the opposite of what Christ says.

Side: Yes
Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

I was almost pushed to suicide by so called Christians. :'(

Side: No

Sorry about that. But they werent true christians if they were doing such a thing.

Side: No
1 point

Yup because Jesus threatened people with hell.

Side: Yes

Jesus warned about hell. Satan decieves you into going into hell.

Side: Yes
trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
1 point

Jesus specifically stayed sway from "carrot and rod" tacticts. The Jews already knew about heaven and hell, he was just reminding them what he was here for every now and then WHEN ASKED ABOUT IT.

Side: Yes
3 points

Being a Christian, I'd have to say no they are not very Christ-like. Jesus rode into town on a donkey, most people including Christians think they need to ride into town on the very best stallion money can buy. Jesus worked on helping the poor, the sick, and the oppressed without obtaining wealth. Most religions build monuments for themselves (churches) first then give what is left-over to those in need. Most Christians act in the same manner as their religion and take care of themselves first, then help the poor. Doesn't sound very Christ-like to me.

Side: No
1 point

I can't believe I'm actually agreeing with you. But. I am. It feels kind of dirty.

Side: No

Get used to it. What I say isn't always popular, but I only speak of things in which I see and experience.

Side: No
1 point

No. So many people that call themselves Christians are so far from being Christlike, and yes, I admit to being one of them. I just got saved on 20 May, so be patient.

Side: No

True. Although we still have many Christ-Like Christians. Quite a bit of them dont act out.

Side: No

Because too many Christians condone war like it is something to look the other way.

Side: No